Setting Workload Type - Teradata Database - Teradata Viewpoint

Workload Pre-Migration User Guide

Teradata Database
Teradata Viewpoint
January 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
Without manual intervention before upgrading, workloads are mapped to workload methods (that is, tiers) in SLES 11 based on a combination of their AMP and EP settings in SLES 10. Use the Pre-Migration Tool to review and, if necessary, adjust these default mappings before upgrading the operating system. To do so, complete the outlined steps for each applicable workload.
  1. On the Current Enforcement Priority to New Workload Mapping page, in the same row as the workload listing, click the Workload Method arrow, and select the option with which the workload should be associated:
    Option Description
    Tactical This method should be used primarily for single or few-AMP, highly critical queries with response-time requirements of 1 second or less. Tactical workloads receive the highest priority available and are allowed to consume whatever resources they require. These workloads are automatically expedited and are provided access to special pools of reserved AMP worker tasks, if defined, as well as other internal performance boosts.
    SLG Tier The SLG tier is for workloads that are associated with a short service level goal or service level expectation; require a short response time due to business importance; and do not generally consume a significant amount of CPU resources. Although critical to the business, SLG workloads are secondary in importance to tactical workloads. By default, SLG workloads are each allocated 5% of tier resources. This value can subsequently be changed as required.
    SLG tiers are available only with TASM licensing.
    Timeshare This method is for workloads with response times that are less critical to the business and without service level expectation. Timeshare workloads generally represent lower-priority or background work and sandbox applications. The majority of system resources are expected to be consumed by timeshare workloads, each of which can subsequently be assigned an access level representing a priority of Top, High, Medium, or Low.

  2. When you have changed all workload method mappings as required, click Next. The Workload Methods Setting page appears, where you can change any of the following:
    • Allocation percentages for SLG workloads
    • Mapping of relative weight values to timeshare access levels for planned environments
    • Access levels for timeshare workloads