Add a Vantage Table | Teradata Studio - Adding a Vantage Table - Teradata Studio

Teradata® Studio™ User Guide

Teradata Studio
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
At minimum, a Vantage table must have a table name, table type, and one column defined. If you need to undo a table definition at any time, click Reset to delete your entries and begin again.
  1. In the Navigator, double-click Databases.
  2. In the Object List Viewer:
    1. Locate the database and schema where you want to create a table.
    2. Click "" to show tables, then click "" again to add a table.
  3. In the General tab:
    1. Type a Name for the new table.
    2. Complete the other optional fields.
  4. In the Columns tab, click Add. For each column you add to the table:
    1. Type the Name of the new column.
    2. Select the Data Type.
    3. In Length, type the maximum data length allowed for column data if appropriate for the selected type.
    4. Type the maximum Precision allowed for numeric column data.
      The precision of a numeric is the total count of digits in the whole number (both sides of a decimal). For example, the number 3068.443 has a precision of 7. The precision must be a positive number.
    5. Type the maximum Scale allowed for numeric column data.
      The scale of a numeric is the count of decimal digits in the fractional part of the number to the right of the decimal point. For example, the number 3068.443 has a scale of 3. The scale of an integer is considered zero, therefore, scale can be zero or a positive number.
    6. Select Null if data values in this column can be null.
    7. Select Unique if data values in this column must be unique.
    8. [Optional] Add a Comment if appropriate.
  5. [Optional] Click Column Grouping and add any grouping information.
  6. [Optional] Click Indexes and add indexes for this table.
  7. [Optional] Click Constraints and add constraint information.
  8. [Optional] Click Miscellaneous and complete any information.
  9. Click SQL to review the SQL DDL.
    To modify the CREATE TABLE statement, return to previous steps to change your selections. You can also copy and paste the text into an SQL Editor to make edits.
  10. Click Commit.