Step 3 - Connect to a Data Source - Teradata Administrator

Teradata Administrator User Guide

Teradata Administrator
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Step 3 - Connect to a Data Source

Before proceeding, the data sources must be defined using the ODBC Data Source Administrator. See “Step 1 - Define a Data Source” on page 34.

After connecting to a data source, Teradata Administrator displays a database tree and one or two data grids in a grid area.

Note: When connecting to Teradata Database V2R6.2.x or earlier, do not use UTF8 or UTF16 session character sets if the system contains Kanji object names. If any Kanji Database or User names exist on the system, the initial loading of the database tree fails.

Connect to one or more data sources, and then open additional windows to a currently connected data source. Each data source connection or additional window creates another child window, each with its own database tree and grid areas. Create up to five child windows. Use the Window menu to display all the open windows in either horizontal or vertical tile arrangements to perform drag-and-drop copy operations between two windows.

Note: Teradata Administrator only runs in direct connect mode. Even if Teradata Manager is running in client-server mode and Teradata Administrator is launched from Teradata Manager, Teradata Administrator does not run from outside a firewall.

Use the following procedure to connect to a data source.

To connect to a data source

1 From the main window, click File>Connect.

2 Select the ODBC data source from the list, and click OK.

The Teradata Database Connect dialog box appears.

3 Fill in the fields as follows:

  • DBC Name or Address - The TDPid of the Teradata Database.
  • Use Integrated Security - Select to connect to the database through Single Sign On.
  • Mechanism - If a security mechanism is in place, select the authentication mechanism.
  • Parameter - If a mechanism is selected, enter the applicable authentication string.
  • Username - User name to use to log on to the Teradata Database.
  • Password - Password for the user name.
  • Default Database - Database to work in by default. Use unqualified object names only in this database; qualify all other objects using the database name. If this field is left blank, the default database is your username.
  • Account String - Account string associated with the user name.
  • 4 Click OK to connect to the data source.