Advanced SQL Engine | Utilities | Update DBC (updatedbc) | Teradata Vantage - Overview - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Database Utilities

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™
The utility described is not available for as-a-service customers.

The Update DBC utility, updatedbc, performs the following:

In table … Update DBC recalculates …
DBASE PermSpace, SpoolSpace, and TempSpace values for user DBC.
  • The PermSpace value in DBASE for user DBC is the total available storage space minus the PermSpace for all other databases.
  • The SpoolSpace and TempSpace values in DBASE for user DBC are the total available storage space.

For databases other than DBC, the PermSpace, SpoolSpace, and TempSpace values in the DBASE table are the maximums declared when the database is defined.

The DBASE table includes the following columns:
  • PermSpace
  • SpoolSpace
  • TempSpace
DATABASESPACE MaxPermSpace, MaxSpoolSpace, and MaxTempSpace values for each database in the system based on the PermSpace, SpoolSpace, and TempSpace values in the DBASE table for that database.
The DATABASESPACE table includes the following columns:
  • CurrentPermSpace
  • CurrentSpoolSpace
  • CurrentTempSpace
  • MaxPermSpace
  • MaxSpoolSpace
  • MaxTempSpace

Values in the DBASE table are the global values. Values in the DATABASESPACE table are local AMP values. The calculation is the global value divided by the number of AMPs in the system.

The following table lists the difference between the Update DBC and Update Space utilities.

The utility … Recalculates the …
Update DBC maximum allowed values for permanent, temporary, and spool space.
Update Space current usage for permanent, temporary, and spool space.

Use Update DBC only to correct inconsistency in the DBASE or DATABASESPACE tables, which might occur as the result of rare types of system failures.

For descriptions of the DBASE and DATABASESPACE tables and columns, see Teradata Vantage™ - Data Dictionary, B035-1092.

For more information on the Update Space utility, see Update Space (updatespace).