Session Event Definitions - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Database Utilities

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Two types of session events occur:

  • Fundamental external events
  • Events that occur only if the given Action occurs in the State

Fundamental External Events

The following table shows the fundamental external events that can occur for a session.

Valid Events Event Type Definition
CE_ABORTMSG Network Abort Msg was received.
CE_ASNMSG Network [Re]Assign Msg was received.
CE_ASSIGNRSP Gateway [Re]Assign response received from the assign task.
CE_CONFIGMSG Network Config message was received.
CE_CONNECTMSG Network Connect message was received.
CE_CONTIMEOUT Gateway Connect timer is timed out.
CE_CONTINUEMSG Network Continue message was received.
CE_COPMSGRECEIVED Network Message received message was received from client.
CE_DBSRSP Database DBS Response was received.
CE_DIRECTMSG Network Directed Message was received.
CE_DIRECTMSGRSP Database DBS response to a directed request was received.
CE_DISCONNECT Network Error occurred on virtual circuit.
CE_DUNCONTINUEMSG Network DUN continue message from client.
CE_DUNDBSRSP Database DUN message response from the database.
CE_DUNSTARTMSG Network DUN start message from client.
CE_ELICITDATAMSGRSP Network Elicitdata Message was received.
CE_ELICITSTARTRSP Network ElicitStartResponse Message was received.
CE_ENCRYPTERR Gateway Unable to encrypt a message.
CE_GONE Database PMPC abort session message was received.
CE_HDRERR Network A Client message header error occurred.
CE_HSCMSGRECEIVED Database Message received message was received from DBS.
CE_KILL Gateway Gtwglobal kill command occurred.
CE_LOGOFFMSG Network Logoff Request was received.
CE_LOGONLOGOFFRSP Database DBS response to a logon/logoff request received.
CE_METHODMSG Network Methods Msg was received.
CE_RESUMEACTIONS Gateway Restore the current position in a state transition.
CE_SAVEACTIONS Gateway Save the current position in a state transition.
CE_SECPOLICYVIOLMSG Network A security policy violation message was received.
CE_SECURITYPOLICYVIOL Network A message failed to follow security policy.
CE_SENDDISCONNECT Network A network send failed after the socket disconnected.
CE_SENDTERMINATE Network A network send failed after the session was terminated.
CE_SSOMSG Network Single Sign-on Message was received.
CE_STARTMSG Network Start message has been received.
CE_TAKEOVER Gateway Received takeover request from assign task.
CE_TAKEOVERRSP Gateway Received takeover response from assign task.
CE_TERMINATE Network Orderly release on virtual circuit.
CE_TESTMSG Network Test message was received.

Events Occurring if the Action Occurs in the State

The following table shows the events that can occur for a session if the given action occurs in the state.

Valid Events Event Type Action Definition
CE_ABORTMSGAUTH Recursive CA_ABORTMSG Abort Message had invalid security.
CE_ABORTMSGAUTH Recursive CA_DUNABORTMSG DUN Abort Message had invalid security.
CE_ABORTMSGERR Recursive CA_ABORTMSG Abort Message contained an error.
CE_ABORTMSGERR Recursive CA_DUNABORTMSG DUN Abort Message contained an error.
CE_ABORTMSGOK Recursive CA_ABORTMSG Abort Message was processed and was valid.
CE_ABORTMSGOK Recursive CA_DUNABORTMSG DUN Abort Message was processed and was valid.
CE_ABORTMSGSKIP Recursive CA_ABORTMSG Abort Message was not for current request.
CE_ABORTMSGSKIP Recursive CA_DUNABORTMSG DUN Abort Message was not for current request.
CE_ABORTMSGUCOK Recursive CA_ABORTMSG Abort Message contained a pclucabort.
CE_ABORTMSGUCOK Recursive CA_DUNABORTMSG DUN Abort Message contained a pclucabort.
CE_ASNMSGERR Recursive CA_ASNMSG [Re]Assign message contained an error.
CE_ASNMSGOK Recursive CA_ASNMSG Assign Msg was processed and was valid.
CE_ASNMSGSSOOK Recursive CA_ASNMSG Assign Msg with SSO was processed and was valid.
CE_ASNRSPERR Recursive CA_ASSIGNRSP Error [Re]Assign response received from the assign task.
CE_ASNRSPOK Recursive CA_ASSIGNRSP Successful Assign response received from the assign task.
CE_ASNRSPSSOCONTINUE Recursive CA_ASNRSPSSO AsnRspOk and SSO parcel needs continue.
CE_ASNRSPSSOERR Recursive CA_ASNRSPSSO AsnRspOk and SSO parcel is in error.
CE_ASNRSPSSOFAIL Recursive CA_ASNRSPSSO AsnRspOk and SSO parcel failed authentication.
CE_ASNRSPSSOOK Recursive CA_ASNRSPSSO AsnRspOk and SSO parcel is Complete.
CE_BADSTATE Recursive CA_ASSIGNRSP Badstate Assign response received from the assign task.
CE_CONNECTMSGAUTH Recursive CA_CONNECTMSG Connect message had invalid security.
CE_CONNECTMSGERR Recursive CA_CONNECTMSG Connect message contained an error.
CE_CONNECTMSGOK Recursive CA_CONNECTMSG Connect message was processed and was valid.
CE_CONTINUEMSGACKREQ Recursive CA_CONTINUEMSG Continue message with ack requested was processed and is valid.
CE_CONTINUEMSGAUTH Recursive CA_CONTINUEMSG Continue message had invalid security.
CE_CONTINUEMSGERR Recursive CA_CONTINUEMSG Continue message contained an error.
CE_CONTINUEMSGOK Recursive CA_CONTINUEMSG Continue message was processed and was valid.
CE_CONTINUEMSGRSPERR Recursive CA_CONTINUEMSGRSP Continue response from the DBS contained an error.
CE_CONTINUEMSGRSPOK Recursive CA_CONTINUEMSGRSP Continue response from the DBS was OK.
CE_COPMSGRECEIVEDMSGAUTH Recursive CA_COPMSGRECEIVEDMSG COPMsgReceived message had invalid security.
CE_COPMSGRECEIVEDMSGERR Recursive CA_COPMSGRECEIVEDMSG COPMsgReceived message contained an error.
CE_DIRECTMSGACKREQ Recursive CA_DIRECTMSG Direct message with ack request was processed and is valid.
CE_DIRECTMSGAUTH Recursive CA_DIRECTMSG Direct message had invalid security.
CE_DIRECTMSGERR Recursive CA_DIRECTMSG Direct message contained an error.
CE_DIRECTMSGOK Recursive CA_DIRECTMSG Direct message was processed and was valid.
CE_DIRECTMSGRSPERR Recursive CA_DIRECTMSGRSP Direct Message response contained an error.
CE_DIRECTMSGRSPOK Recursive CA_DIRECTMSGRSP Direct message response was OK.
CE_DUNABORTMSGOK Recursive CA_DUNABORTMSG DUN Abort Message if the abort is for one transaction in DUN protocol.
CE_DUNCONTINUEMSGAUTH Recursive CA_DUNCONTINUEMSG DUN continue message has invalid security.
CE_DUNCONTINUEMSGERR Recursive CA_DUNCONTINUEMSG DUN continue message contained an error.
CE_DUNMSGRSP Recursive CA_DUNDBSRSP DUN message response from database.
CE_DUNMSGRSPERR Recursive CA_DUNDBSRSP DUN message from database has an error.
CE_DUNSQLMSG Recursive CA_DUNDBSRSP DUN SQL message from database.
CE_DUNSTARTMSGAUTH Recursive CA_DUNSTARTMSG DUN start message has invalid security.
CE_DUNSTARTMSGERR Recursive CA_DUNSTARTMSG DUN start message contained an error.
CE_ELICITDATAMSGACKREQ Recursive CA_ELICITDATAMSGRSP Elicit data message with ack request was processed and is valid.
CE_ELICITDATAMSGREQ Recursive CA_STARTMSGRSP An Elicit Data request was received instead of a Start response.
CE_ELICITDATAMSGRSPAUTH Recursive CA_ELICITDATAMSGRSP Elicit data message response had invalid security.
CE_ELICITDATAMSGRSPERR Recursive CA_ELICITDATAMSGRSP Elicit data message response contained an error.
CE_ELICITDATAMSGRSPOK Recursive CA_ELICITDATAMSGRSP Elicit data message response was OK.
CE_ELICITSTARTRSPAUTH Recursive CA_ELICITSTARTRSP ElicitStartResponse message had invalid security.
CE_ELICITSTARTRSPERR Recursive CA_ELICITSTARTRSP ElicitStartResponse message contained an error.
CE_ELICITSTARTRSPOK Recursive CA_ELICITSTARTRSP ElicitStartResponse message is OK.
CE_LOGOFFMSGRSPERR Recursive CA_LOGOFFMSGRSP An error response received from session control.
CE_LOGOFFMSGRSPOK Recursive CA_LOGOFFMSGRSP A successful response received from session control.
CE_LOGONERR Recursive CA_SENDLOGON An error in the logon message.
CE_LOGONFAIL Recursive CA_SENDLOGON An error in building logon message.
CE_LOGONFAILERR Recursive CA_SENDLOGONFAIL An error in trying to send a failed logon message.
CE_LOGONMSGRSPERR Recursive CA_LOGONMSGRSP An error response received from session control.
CE_LOGONMSGRSPOK Recursive CA_LOGONMSGRSP A successful response received from session control.
CE_LOGONMSGRSPRUN Recursive CA_LOGONMSGRSP A bad runrsp was received from session control.
CE_LOGONSSOERR Recursive CA_SENDLOGONSSO An error in the SSO logon message.
CE_METHODMSGAUTH Recursive CA_METHODMSG Method Msg had invalid security.
CE_METHODMSGERR Recursive CA_METHODMSG Method Msg contained an error.
CE_METHODMSGOK Recursive CA_METHODMSG Method Msg was valid.
CE_NODEFULL Recursive CA_ASSIGNRSP Node full assign response was received from assign.
CE_REASNMSGOK Recursive CA_ASNMSG ReAssign Message was processed and was valid.
CE_REASNMSGSSOOK Recursive CA_ASNMSG ReAssign Message with SSO was processed and was valid.
CE_REASNRSPOK Recursive CA_ASSIGNRSP Successful ReAssign response received from Assign task.
CE_REASNRSPOKSSO Recursive CA_ASSIGNRSP Successful ReAssign response with SSO received from Assign task.
CE_REASNRSPSSOCONTINUE Recursive CA_REASNRSPSSO AsnRspOk and SSO parcel needs continue.
CE_REASNRSPSSOERR Recursive CA_REASNRSPSSO AsnRspOk and SSO parcel is in error.
CE_REASNRSPSSOFAIL Recursive CA_REASNRSPSSO AsnRspOk and SSO parcel failed authentication.
CE_REASNRSPSSOOK Recursive CA_REASNRSPSSO AsnRspOk and SSO parcel is Complete.
CE_RECONERR Recursive CA_RECON Reconnect validation unsuccessful.
CE_RECONNECTMSGOK Recursive CA_CONNECTMSG ReConnect message was processed and was valid.
CE_RECONOK Recursive CA_RECON Reconnect validation successful.
CE_RECONSSOERR Recursive CA_RECONSSO Reconnect validation unsuccessful.
CE_RECONSSOOK Recursive CA_RECONSSO Reconnect validation successful.
CE_RECONSSOTAKEOVERERR Recursive CA_RECONSSO Reconnect validation unsuccessful for a taking over session.
CE_RECONSSOTAKEOVEROK Recursive CA_RECONSSO Takeover needs to be sent to takeover already connected session.
CE_RECOVERABLELEVEL0 Recursive CA_GETRECOVERABLELEVEL Client does not support RecoverableProtocol.
CE_RECOVERABLELEVEL1 Recursive CA_GETRECOVERABLELEVEL Client supports RecoverableProtocol level 1.
CE_RESSOCONTINUE Recursive CA_SENDRESSORSP The Reconnect SSO authentication required more exchanges.
CE_RESSOERR Recursive CA_SENDRESSORSP The Reconnect SSO authentication was not successful.
CE_SSOCONTINUE Recursive CA_SENDSSORSP The SSO authentication required more exchanges.
CE_SSOERR Recursive CA_SENDSSORSP The SSO authentication was not successful.
CE_SSOFAIL Recursive CA_SENDSSORSP The SSO authentication failed.
CE_SSOMSGAUTH Recursive CA_SSOMSG An SSO message had invalid security.
CE_SSOMSGERR Recursive CA_SSOMSG An error was encountered processing the SSO message.
CE_SSOMSGOK Recursive CA_SSOMSG An SSO message has been received and is OK.
CE_STARTMSGACKREQ Recursive CA_STARTMSG A Start message with ack request was processed and is valid.
CE_STARTMSGAUTH Recursive CA_STARTMSG A Start message had invalid security.
CE_STARTMSGERR Recursive CA_STARTMSG An error was encountered processing the start message.
CE_STARTMSGOK Recursive CA_STARTMSG A start message has been received and is OK.
CE_STARTMSGRSPERR Recursive CA_STARTMSGRSP A start request response is in error.
CE_STARTMSGRSPINDOUBT Recursive CA_STARTMSGRSP A start request response for an in doubt transaction has been received.
CE_STARTMSGRSPINTRAN Recursive CA_STARTMSGRSP A start request response in a transaction has been received.
CE_STARTMSGRSPNOTRAN Recursive CA_STARTMSGRSP A start request response not in a transaction has been received.
CE_UCABORTMSGRSPERR Recursive CA_UCABORTMSGRSP UCAbort Response was not received.
CE_UCABORTMSGRSPOK Recursive CA_UCABORTMSGRSP UCAbort Response was received.