Vproc Manager Commands - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Database Utilities

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

The following table briefly describes the function of each Vproc Manager command. The commands are described in more detail in the sections that follow.

Command Description
BOOT Initializes and starts the database partitions of an AMP. This command applies only to AMP vprocs with a VprocState of FATAL and a ConfigStatus of Down.

Clears the status of AMPs that were previously configured as target AMPs in move AMP reconfig operation.

HELP Provides general help for Vproc Manager or detailed help if you specify an option.
INITVDISK Initializes the Teradata Database File System on the virtual storage associated with a specific AMP. This command applies only to AMPs that are in the FATAL or NEWPROC state.
QUIT Causes Vproc Manager to exit.
RESTART Forces a database restart.
SET RESTART Sets the restart type to use during the next system restart.
SET vproclist Defines the new state of a vproc or new states for a list of vprocs.
STATUS Reports the status of the database, PDE, and contiguous maps configuration.
STATUS DBS Reports the status of the Teradata Database.
STATUS DBS ORDERBY CN Reports the status of Online and NotOnline Teradata Database AMP vprocs ordered by cluster number.
STATUS DBS ORDERBY HN Reports the status of Online and NotOnline Teradata Database PE vprocs ordered by host number.
STATUS DBS ORDERBY NODEID Reports the status of Online and NotOnline Teradata Database vprocs ordered by node id.
STATUS MAP Reports the contiguous maps configuration, including a list of the maps, their slots, and the AMP clusters defined by the maps.
STATUS NOTONLINE Reports the status row for vprocs and nodes that are not fully online.
STATUS ONLINE Reports the status row for vprocs and nodes that are online.
STATUS PDE Reports the status of the PDE.
STATUS RESTART Reports the current system RestartKind.
STATUS SYSSTATE Reports the current system state and the System Debugger, if it is attached.
STATUS vproclist Reports the vproc status table row for the specified vproc or vprocs.