UserGrantedRightsV - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Category: Security

Database: DBC

View Column Data Type Format Comment
DatabaseName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Returns the name of a database or one of the special system keywords: ALL / DEFAULT / PUBLIC.
TableName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Returns the name of a table, view, stored procedure, trigger, macro, user-defined types, user-defined methods, or user.
ColumnName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) The UserGrantedRightsV.ColumnName field identifies the table column or the view column which a right has been granted.
Grantee VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Returns the name of a user who was granted a privilege; ALL can be specified. Returns the name of a user or role who was granted a role.
AccessRight CHAR(2) LATIN UPPERCASE NOT NULL X(2) Returns a code that identifies a privilege granted on the object.
GrantAuthority CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE NOT NULL X(1) Returns the WITH GRANT OPTION attribute of the access right held by the user.
AllnessFlag CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE NOT NULL X(1) Returns Y (yes) or N (no) to indicate whether or not the privilege was granted to all subordinate users, or to all users who are owned by the grantee.
CreatorName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Table or database creator. For DBC.AllRights, the grantor of explicit rights, otherwise the user who executed the CREATE statement.
CreateTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(0) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS Returns the date and time that the object in the row was created.