IndicesV[X] - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Category: Schema

Database: DBC

View Column Data Type Format Comment
DatabaseName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Returns the name of a database.
TableName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Returns the name of a table, join index, or hash index.
IndexNumber SMALLINT NOT NULL ZZ9 IndicesVX.IndexNumber is the internal number assigned to the index. A primary index or primary AMP index has an index number of 1. A secondary index has an index number that is a multiple of 4 between 4 and 128.
IndexType CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE NOT NULL X(1) IndicesVx.IndexType is P(NPPI), Q(PPI), A(PA), S(SI), U(unique), K(primary key), J(join index), N(hash index), V(value-ordered SI), H(hash-ordered ALL SI), O(value-ordered ALL SI), I(composite SI ordering column), 1(field1), 2(field2), G(geospatial NUSI).
UniqueFlag CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE NOT NULL X(1) Returns a code to indicate whether the index is unique. The following codes are used: Y = Yes; index is unique, N = No; index is not unique.
IndexName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the name of the reference index.
ColumnName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Returns column names participating in an index that is accessible to the current user.
ColumnPosition SMALLINT NOT NULL Z9 Returns the position of the column in the index.
CreatorName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Table or database creator. For DBC.AllRights, the grantor of explicit rights, otherwise the user who executed the CREATE statement.
CreateTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(0) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS The CreateTimeStamp column returns the date and time the index was created.
LastAlterName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Returns the name of the user who last updated the dictionary row.
LastAlterTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(0) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS Returns the time the dictionary row was last updated.
IndexMode CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) IndicesVX.IndexMode is H (secondary index rows are hash distributed to the AMPs), L (secondary index rows are on the same AMP as the referenced data row), or NULL (PI or PA). If the index type is J or N, index mode is L but has no meaning.
AccessCount BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 Returns the access count for the corresponding database object.
LastAccessTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(0) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS Returns the time that the corresponding object was last accessed.
UniqueOrPK CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE X(1) DBC.INDICESVX.UniqueOrPK is U (unique), K (primarykey), or NULL (When the unique or primarykey constraint is not associated with time dimension or the row is not for a unique or primarykey constraint description.)
VTConstraintType CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE X(1) DBC.INDICESVX.VTConstraintType is C (current), S (sequenced), N (nonsequenced), or NULL (is used for all rows on a table that do not support ValidTime, otherwise an index row.)
TTConstraintType CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE X(1) DBC.INDICESVX.TTConstraintType is C (current), S (sequenced), N (nonsequenced), or NULL (is used for all rows on a table that do not support TransactionTime, otherwise an index row.)
SystemDefinedJI CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE X(1) DBC.INDICESVX.SystemDefinedJI records whether a join index is system-defined or user-defined. Y if the entry is corresponding to a system-defined join index or NULL otherwise
IndexDatabaseName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) The IndicesVX.IndexDatabaseName field identifies the data base, if any, for the index.
LDIType CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE X(1) LDIType is set to NULL for any secondary index on non-LDI tables. For LDI tables/join indexes it is set to "E" for a USI and EIRID NUSI on a LDI table/join index, it is set to "N" if the NUSI does not contain the RowLoadID.
RowSizeFormat VARCHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) RowSizeFormat indicates the row size; "0" for a format of up to 64KB, and "1" for a format of up to 1MB.
TimeZero DATE YY/MM/DD Time Zero is the Timezeor_date parameter specified in Primary Time Index clause of CREATE TABLE. It is a starting time point associated with a Time Series table.
TimeBucketUnit BYTEINT -(3)9 Time Bucket Unit can have CAL_YEARS(1), CAL_MONTHS(2), CAL_DAYS(3),WEEKS(4), DAYS(5), HOURS(6), MINUTES(7), SECONDS(8), MILISECONDS(9), MICROSECONDS(10). It is the timebucket_duration parameter specified in Primary Time Index clause of CREATE TABLE.
TimeBucketValue SMALLINT ---,--9 Time Bucket Value in conjunction with TimeBuctUnit determines the time bucket size for a Time Series table. It is the timebucket_duration parameter specified in Primary Time Index clause of CREATE TABLE.
TSFlags BYTE(1) X(2) bit 1 - 1 a Time Series (TS) table, 0 not a TS table. bit 2 - 1 a TS table with TD_SEQNO column, 0 no TD_SEQNO. bit 3 - 1 a TS table with TD_TIMEBUCKET column, 0 no TD_TIMEBUCKET. bit 4 - 1 a TS table is defined with COLUMNS clause, 0 no COLUMNS.