QryLogSummaryV - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Category: Query

Database: DBC

View Column Data Type Format Comment
ProcID DECIMAL(5,0) NOT NULL -(5)9 Returns the process ID of the dispatcher.
CollectTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) (Prime Key) Time and date when the DBQL summary cache was written.
UserID BYTE(4) X(8) Returns the ID of the user.
AcctString VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the user unexpanded logon account string.
LogicalHostID SMALLINT -(5)9 Returns a unique identifier of the logon source for the logged query. A value of zero indicates an internal session.
AppID CHAR(30) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(30) Returns the application ID.
ClientID CHAR(30) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(30) Returns the client ID.
ClientAddr CHAR(45) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(45) Returns the IP address of the client who submitted the query.
ProfileID BYTE(4) X(8) Returns the unique number assigned to the cost profile instance in the system.
SessionID INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the session identifier.
QueryCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of queries run in a 10-minute interval. Used with the "SUMMARY" or "THRESHOLD" SQL option only.
ValueType CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Returns the type that was used to determine the threshold from the values listed below. C = CPU seconds I = IO count S = Elapsed time in seconds.
QuerySeconds FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Returns the total number of seconds used by QueryCount. QuerySeconds can be used to obtain an average.
AverageTime FLOAT ZZZ,ZZZ.999 Returns the average elapsed time (to the nearest hundredth of a second).
TotalIOCount FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the number of IOs from AMPs that were generated by the query.
AverageIO FLOAT Z(10) Returns the average Logical IO Count.
AMPCPUTime FLOAT ZZZ,ZZZ.999 Returns the total AMP CPU time in seconds used for query.
AverageAmpCPU FLOAT ZZZ,ZZZ.999 Returns the average number of AMP CPU seconds used by QueryCount.
ParserCPUTime FLOAT ZZZ,ZZZ.999 Returns the total parser and dispatcher CPU time in seconds used for the query.
AverageParserCPU FLOAT ZZZ,ZZZ.999 Returns the average number of CPU seconds used in the parser by QueryCount.
AMPCPUTimeNorm FLOAT ZZZ,ZZZ.999 Returns the normalized AMP CPU time in seconds for co-existence systems.
AverageAmpCPUNorm FLOAT ZZZ,ZZZ.999 Average number of normalized AMP CPU seconds used by QueryCount.
ParserCPUTimeNorm FLOAT ZZZ,ZZZ.999 Returns the normalized parser CPU time in seconds for co-existence systems.
AverageParserCPUNorm FLOAT ZZZ,ZZZ.999 Average number of normalized CPU seconds used in the parser by QueryCount.
LowHist FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9.999 For SUMMARY option, lowest value specified as query execution differentiation. For THRESHOLD option, threshold specified by the user.
HighHist FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Returns the highest value specified as a query execution time differentiation. Used with the "SUMMARY" SQL option only. If THRESHOLD is used, HighHist is 0.
UsedIota FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Return IO Tokens used by the requests that are logged in summary mode.
ReqPhysIO FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Returns the total number of Physical I/Os for the whole request in summary mode.
ReqPhysIOKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Returns the total Physical I/Os in kilobytes for the whole request in summary mode.
StartTime TIMESTAMP(6) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Records the timestamp of the first query included for this summary row.
StopTime TIMESTAMP(6) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Record the timestamp of the last query included for this summary row.
UserName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the name of the userid, if any, under which the user submitted the query.
ProfileName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the name of the profile, if any, under which the user submitted the query.