QryLogTdwmSumV - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Category: Query

Database: DBC

View Column Data Type Format Comment
ProcID DECIMAL(5,0) NOT NULL -(5)9 Returns the process ID of the dispatcher.
CollectTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) (Prime Key) Time and date when the TDWM summary cache was written.
WDID INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the workload definition under which the query was classified.
OpEnvID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the ID of the operational environment currently activated by TDWM.
SysConID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the ID of the system condition currently activated by TDWM.
StartColTime TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Indicates the time at the start of the summary interval.
Arrivals INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Indicates how many queries were classified in the summary interval for this workload definition.
ActiveCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of queries that are active in the WD in the collection period.
Completions INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 The number of queries that completed in this WD in this collection period.
MinRespTime FLOAT NOT NULL ZZZZZZ.99 Returns the fastest response time in centiseconds of all queries completed in the summary interval for the workload definition.
MaxRespTime FLOAT NOT NULL ZZZZZZ.99 Returns the slowest response time in centiseconds of all queries completed in the summary interval for the workload definition.
AvgRespTime FLOAT NOT NULL ZZZZZZ.99 Returns the average response time in centiseconds for all queries completed in the summary interval for the workload definition.
MinCPUTime FLOAT NOT NULL Z,ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.99 Returns the least CPU time in seconds (with .001 resolution) of all queries completed in the summary interval for the workload definition.
MaxCPUTime FLOAT NOT NULL Z,ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.99 Returns the most CPU time in seconds (with .001 resolution) of all queries completed in the summary interval for the workload definition.
AvgCPUTime FLOAT NOT NULL Z,ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.99 Returns the average CPU time in seconds (with .001 resolution) for all queries completed in the summary interval for the workload definition.
DelayedCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Indicates how many of all the queries that were completed in the summary interval for the workload definition were.
AvgDelayTime FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the average delay time in centiseconds for all queries completed in the summary interval for the workload definition.
ExceptionAbCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of queries that were aborted due to an exception action for this workload definition during this interval.
ExceptionMvCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of queries that moved to another workload definition due to an exception action for this workload definition during this interval.
ExceptionCoCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of queries that encountered an exception but continued in this workload definition during this interval.
ExceptionCount INTEGER -(10)9 Returns the number of queries with exceptions in this workload definition in this collection period.
MetSLGCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Indicates how many of all the queries completed in the summary interval for the workload definition met their SLG objectives.
AbortCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the count of queries that were classified into the WD but were subsequently aborted (no DBS error code).
ErrorCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the count of queries that completed with an error (error code) in the collection period for this WD.
RejectedCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of queries that were rejected by TDWM for this workload definition during this interval.
MovedInCount INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of queries that were moved into this workload definition due to an exception during this interval.
IntervalDelayCnt INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of queries that are currently delayed during this interval.
DelayedQueries INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of queries that are delayed for this workload definition.
OtherCount INTEGER --,---,---,--9 The number of queries that finished in this WD that had no error or abort, AMPs or Parser CPU.
VirtualPartNum INTEGER --,---,---,--9 The Virtual Partition number of the WD.
AvgIOWaitTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The average IO wait time in milliseconds for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
MaxIOWaitTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The maximum IO wait time in milliseconds for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
AvgOtherWaitTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The average other wait time in seconds for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
MaxOtherWaitTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The maximum other wait time in seconds for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
AvgCPURunDelay FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The average CPU run delay in milliseconds for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
MaxCPURunDelay FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The maximum CPU run delay in milliseconds for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
AvgSeqRespTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The average sequential response time in milliseconds for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
MaxSeqRespTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The maximum sequential response time in milliseconds for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
AvgLogicalIO FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The average logical IO for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
MaxLogicalIO FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The maximum logical IO for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
AvgLogicalKBs FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The average logical KBs for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
MaxLogicalKBs FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The maximum logical KBs for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
AvgPhysicalIO FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The average physical IO for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
MaxPhysicalIO FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The maximum physical IO for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
AvgPhysicalKBs FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The average physical KBs for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
MaxPhysicalKBs FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The maximum physical KBs for those queries completed in this WD in this collection period.
ThrottleBypassed INTEGER --,---,---,--9 The number of queries that are only running due to the ThrottleBypass feature.
FlexActive INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 The number of queries that are only running due to the Flex Throttle feature.
FlexComplete INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 The number of queries that completed due to the Flex Throttle feature.
FlexArrivals INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 The number of queries that arrived due to Flex during this period
DeferredCount INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 The number of queries in this WD which have been deferred due to an ARM rule in this collection period.
DeferredQueries INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 The number of queries in this WD that were currently deferred due to an ARM rule when this data was collected.
AvgDeferTime FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 The average defer time due to ARM rules in centiseconds for queries in this WD in this collection period.