ReconfigTableStatsV - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Category: Optimizer Statistics

Database: DBC

View Column Data Type Format Comment
ReconfigId INTEGER NOT NULL -(10)9 Returns the unique identification number for a reconfiguration. Every reconfiguration operation is automatically assigned this number.
Phase CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(1) Specify the reconfiguration phase.'R' for "redistribution phase".'D' for "deletion/rebuild NUSI phase".
TableId BYTE(6) NOT NULL X(12) Return the ID of table in the database specified by DatabaseName.
DatabaseName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Return the user database name.
TableName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Return the name of a table in the database specified by DatabaseName.
Status BYTEINT -(3)9 Specify the status of the table 0 for "Not Completed" 1 for "Completed" 2 for "Retry".
BeginTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(0) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS Returns the timestamp for the start of the reconfig phase for this table.
EndTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(0) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS Returns the timestamp for the end of the reconfig phase for this table.
TotRowCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the total number of rows processed during the time period defined by BeginTimeStamp and EndTimeStamp.
TotByteCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the total number of bytes processed during the time period defined by BeginTimeStamp and EndTimeStamp.
TotCPUSecs FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 TotCPUSecs returns the total number of CPU seconds (with .001 resolution) used during the time period defined by BeginTimeStamp and EndTimeStamp.
TotIOCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the total number of IOs done during the time period defined by BeginTimeStamp and EndTimeStamp.
LowRowCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the lowest count of rows processed by an AMP.
LowRowCountAmp SMALLINT -(5)9 Returns the number of the AMP with the lowest row count.
HighRowCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the highest count of rows processed by an AMP.
HighRowCountAmp SMALLINT -(5)9 Returns the number of the AMP with the highest row count.
LowByteCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the lowest count of bytes processed by an AMP.
LowByteCountAmp SMALLINT -(5)9 Returns the number of the AMP with the lowest byte count.
HighByteCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the highest count of bytes processed by an AMP.
HighByteCountAmp SMALLINT -(5)9 Returns the number of the AMP with the highest byte count.
LowCPUSecsCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 LowCPUSecsCount returns the lowest CPU seconds count (with .001 resolution) used by an AMP.
LowCPUSecsCountAmp SMALLINT -(5)9 Returns the number of the AMP with the lowest CPU seconds count.
HighCPUSecsCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 HighCPUSecsCount returns the highest count of CPU seconds (with .001 resolution) used by an AMP.
HighCPUSecsCountAmp SMALLINT -(5)9 Returns the number of the AMP with the highest CPU seconds count.
LowIOCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the lowest count of IOs on an AMP.
LowIOCountAmp SMALLINT -(5)9 Returns the number of the AMP with the lowest IO count.
HighIOCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the highest count of IOs on an AMP.
HighIOCountAmp SMALLINT -(5)9 Returns the number of the AMP with the highest IO count.
NUSICount SMALLINT NOT NULL -(5)9 Returns the number of NUSIs for the table.
FallBackFlag CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE NOT NULL X(1) FallBackFlag indicates whether the table is a FallBack or Non-FallBack table.
DBlockSize INTEGER NOT NULL -(10)9 Returns the data block size (Default 0).
SortFlag CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE NOT NULL X(1) Tell if the reconfig uses RowNIns or SortTable during redistribution of the rows.
ActualRedistSecs FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the actual elapsed time in seconds for the Redistribution phase.
ActualDeleteSecs FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the actual elapsed time in seconds for the Deletion/NUSI Rebuild phase.
EstRedistSecs FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the estimated Redistribution phase time in seconds.
EstDeleteSecs FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the estimated Deletion/NUSI Rebuild elapsed time.
FSGIOCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the count of IOs done at the reconfig FSG (File Segment Group) cache.
FSysReadCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the count of reconfig file system Read operations.
FSysWriteCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the count of reconfig file system Write operations.
FSysMiscCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the count of miscellaneous reconfig file system operations.
MsgRcvCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the count of messages received.
MsgSendCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the count of messages sent.
MsgMiscCount FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the count of miscellaneous messaging operations.
MsgWaitRcvTime FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the total time elapsed waiting to receive messages.
MsgWaitSendTime FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the total time elapsed sending messages.
MsgWaitMiscTime FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the total elapsed time waiting on miscellaneous messaging operations.
NoMemFlushCount INTEGER NOT NULL -(10)9 Returns the count of memory flushes when the memory is full.
CkptFlushCount INTEGER NOT NULL -(10)9 Returns the number of checkpoints flushed.
CheckTableError FLOAT NOT NULL ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the number of checktable errors.