Source Object - Teradata Listener

Teradata® Listener™ User Guide

Teradata Listener
Release Number
August 2019
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem

The following properties define a source object:

Property Type Example Description
source_id string 758fbda4-accc-4f90-8f09-cc0a164c8c28 Source ID in UUID form. Read-Only.
owner array ["jd123456"] Array of user IDs with owner permissions on the source. Automatically assigned.
created_at string 2015-07-04T10:20:00Z Timestamp at moment of creation. Read-Only.
created_by string av012345 User who created the source. Read-Only.
updated_at string 2015-12-25T10:20:00Z Timestamp at moment of update. Read-Only.
updated_by string jd123456 User who last updated the source. Read-Only.
name string My source Source name.
description string A superb source Metadata source description.
secret string f8a9f620-e0e6-470b-a6b8-1f16b003c034 Secret key used when streaming data to the Ingest API. Automatically assigned and visible only to the owner. Read-Only.
state string 1 Source state: enabled or disabled. Automatically assigned. To change, delete an item.
production boolean false Production state of the source, which is set to true when an assigned target is locked. Is inherited from the associated target resource. Read-Only.
source_type string REST Source type: REST or MQTT. No value defaults to REST.
subscription_info object {"broker": "ssl://localhost:8883", "topic": "My MQTT topic", "private_key" : \"XX...\", "certificate : \"YY...\"} MQTT subscription information containing broker URL and topic, and optionally a private key and security certificate. Applicable only if source type is MQTT.
subscription_info object {"description":"KafkaSourceYGOSXjubQP","name":"KafkaSourceYGOSXjubQP","source_type":"KAFKA","subscription_info":{"broker":"","topic":"sjtopic","zookeeper":""}} Kafka information with broker, ZooKeeper, and topic information. Broker and ZooKeeper details are optional. If not provided, Listener uses the default Kafka and ZooKeeper configuration specified during installation.