Handling RDBMS Retryable and Restartable Error Codes - FastExport

Teradata FastExport Reference

Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Beginning with Teradata Tools and Utilities 14.10, RDBMS returns a list of retryable error codes:

  • When the user does not have permission on the SYSLIB.DBSRETRYABLEERRORS view, Teradata FastExport displays the DBS “no permission” message and an information message that the internal list of retryable will be used for the job, and set the job's return code to 4 (assuming there are no other errors for the rest of the job).
  • When Teradata FastExport 14.10 (or later) runs with a database prior to 14.10, it displays “RDBMS error 3807:Object 'SYSLIB.DBSRETRYABLEERRORS' does not exist” and an information message to the user that “The job will use its internal retryable error codes,” and the job's return code remains unchanged.
  • In the rare instance that zero rows are returned from the SYSLIB.DBSRETRYABLEERRORS view, Teradata FastExport displays an information message that zero rows were returned and that the internal list of retryable errors will be used for the job, and the job's return code remains unchanged.
  • When one or more rows are returned from the SYSLIB.DBSRETRYABLEERRORS view, Teradata FastExport does not display any information about the DBS data-related error view and the job's return code remains unchanged.
  • For detailed information regarding the list of retryable errors codes, see
    Utilities: Volume 1 (A-K).