Abort Termination - FastExport

Teradata FastExport Reference

Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The procedure for aborting a FastExport job depends on whether the utility is running on a network‑attached or a mainframe‑attached client system.

  • 4
  • Press the Control + C key combination three times on the workstation keyboard.
  • 4
  • Cancel the job from the client system console.
  • Whenever a FastExport job terminates abnormally:

  • The processing of any associated SELECT statement is also terminated, and its database access locks are released
  • If Teradata Database has assembled export data in response to a SELECT statement, the spool table containing the export data is deleted
  • The restart log table is not dropped from Teradata Database
  • After aborting a FastExport job, either:

  • Restart the job and allow it to run to completion. This, in most cases, is the preferred alternative.
  • or

  • Drop the restart log table from Teradata Database. This alternative requires:
  • Restarting the entire job, from the beginning, as a complete new job
  • or

  • Abandoning the job, completely
  • In the case of a FastExport job with only one select request, the results of the two alternatives are essentially the same, because aborting the single select request effectively aborts the entire job. The significant difference occurs when the FastExport job has multiple export tasks, or if it uses an input file that generates multiple select requests.