Partitioning CHECK Constraints for Partitioned Tables With 2-Byte Partitioning - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

SQL Data Definition Language Detailed Topics

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™

Teradata Database derives a table-level partitioning CHECK constraint from the partitioning expression for partitioned tables. The text for this constraint, which is derived for table constraints, partitioning constraints, and named constraints cannot exceed 16,000 characters.

The following diagrams show the two forms of this partitioning CHECK constraint derived for single-level partitioning. The forms differ depending on whether the partitioning expression has an INTEGER data type or not.
  • The first form applies to single-level 2-byte partitioning expressions that do not have an INTEGER data type and are not defined only by a RANGE_N function.

    In this case, the type of the expression must be cast to INTEGER.

    CHECK (
      ( CAST ( partitioning_expression ) AS INTEGER )
    ) BETWEEN 1 AND max
  • The second form applies to single-level 2-byte partitioning expressions that have an INTEGER data type.
    CHECK ( partitioning_expression ) BETWEEN 1 AND max


    Syntax element … Specifies the …
    partitioning_expression partition number returned by the single-level partitioning expression.
    max maximum number of partitions defined by partitioning_expression.
    • If the partitioning expression is defined using something other than a RANGE_N or CASE_N function, the value of max is 65,535.
    • If the partitioning expression is defined using only a RANGE_N or CASE_N function, the value of max is the number of partitions defined by the partitioning expression.

    See Rules and Usage Notes for Partitioned Tables and Restrictions for Multilevel Partitioning for information about the table-level partitioning CHECK constraints that Teradata Database creates for single-level and multilevel partitioned primary index tables and join indexes.

  • The third form applies to multilevel 2-byte partitioning expressions.

    The following diagram provides the form of this partitioning CHECK constraint that Teradata Database derives for a multilevel partitioned primary index with 2-byte partitioning.

    CHECK (
      /* nn */ partitioning_expression_1 IS NOT NULL
      AND partitioning_expression_2 IS NOT NULL
      [ partitioning_expression_n IS NOT NULL ] [...]


    Syntax element … Specifies the …
    nn number of levels, or number of partitioning expressions, in the multilevel partitioning.

    nn can range between 02 and 15, inclusive.

    partitioning_expression_1 the partition number returned by the first multilevel partitioning expression.
    partitioning_expression_2 the partition number returned by the second multilevel partitioning expression.
    partitioning_expression_n the partition number returned by the n th multilevel partitioning expression.

    If the partitioning has 3 levels, there are 3 NOT NULL partitioning expressions in the implied constraint, if the partitioning has 10 levels, there are 10 NOT NULL partitioning expressions in the implied constraint, and so on.

For example, suppose you create the following table.

     CREATE TABLE orders (
       o_orderkey      INTEGER NOT NULL,
       o_custkey       INTEGER,
       o_orderstatus   CHARACTER(1) CASESPECIFIC,
       o_totalprice    DECIMAL(13,2) NOT NULL,
       o_orderdate     DATE FORMAT 'yyyy-mm-dd' NOT NULL,
       o_orderpriority CHARACTER(21),
       o_clerk         CHARACTER(16),
       o_shippriority  INTEGER,
       o_comment       VARCHAR(79))
     PRIMARY INDEX (o_orderkey)
                                     AND 49999
                                     EACH  100),
                   RANGE_N(o_orderdate BETWEEN DATE '2000-01-01'
                                       AND     DATE '2006-12-31'
                                       EACH INTERVAL '1' MONTH))
     UNIQUE INDEX (o_orderkey);

The partitioning CHECK constraint SQL text that would be stored in DBC.TableConstraints for this multilevel partitioned primary index with 2-byte partitioning is as follows.

     CHECK (/*02*/ RANGE_N(o_custkey   BETWEEN 0
                                       AND 49999
                                       EACH  100)
                   IS NOT NULL
               AND RANGE_N(o_orderdate BETWEEN DATE '2000-01-01'
                                       AND     DATE '2006-12-31'
                                       EACH INTERVAL '1' MONTH)
                   IS NOT NULL )

You could use the following SELECT statement to retrieve index constraint information for each of the multilevel partitioned objects.

     SELECT *
     FROM DBC.TableConstraints
     WHERE ConstraintType = 'Q'
     AND   SUBSTRING(TableCheck FROM 1 FOR 13) >= 'CHECK (/*02*/'
     AND   SUBSTRING(TableCheck FROM 1 FOR 13) <= 'CHECK (/*15*/';