Limitations | Teradata Vantage Trial - Limitations - Vantage Trial

Teradata Vantage™ Trial Quick Start Guide

Vantage Trial
Release Number
August 2022
English (United States)
Last Update

The following limitations apply to Vantage Trial.

Category Limitations
  • For scaling up and down, two small instance types are available: m5.4xlarge and m5.8xlarge.
  • You can scale out from 2 nodes to 3 nodes, and scale in from 3 nodes to 2 nodes.
  • When you perform elasticity operations in the Console, the SQL Engine restarts which affects other Vantage Trial users on the shared system.
  • Output is limited to 10,000 rows when using SELECT *.
  • Does not support execution of volatile tables when executed separately.
  • Sharing scripts is currently not supported in Editor.
Vantage Analyst
  • Text, Cluster, and Model require the Machine Learning Engine, which is not included in Vantage Trial.
  • Cannot create new database connections for Vantage Analyst. You must use the database created within your trial environment.
  • Sending mail requires access to an SMTP server and configuration.
  • SFTP data integrations require an accessible SFTP server and configuration.

If you choose to configure mail and SFTP data integrations, use with caution. For information on using these outside of Vantage Trial, see the Vantage Analyst User Guide, B035-3805.

Vantage BYOM
  • Using Editor to load your model into Vantage Trial is currently not supported. Create a JupyterHub notebook to try Vantage BYOM. See Teradata Vantage™ - Bring Your Own Model User Guide, B700-1111.
General Limitations
  • Cannot migrate data from an on-premises Teradata system.
  • Data cannot be backed up or restored.
  • Vantage Trial cannot be upgraded to a production instance.
  • Cannot connect any third-party or Teradata client tools, such as BTEQ, Teradata Studio, Teradata Viewpoint, and JDBC, or visualization/BI tools.
  • SCRIPT table operator and UDF functions are disabled.
  • Performance benchmarking is not supported because of the limited number of instance sizes.
  • Credentials to the dbc are not provided.
  • Stored procedures are disabled in the SQL Engine.
  • Your system is limited to 2 TB of space for all users. This includes perm space, spool space, and additional space for database overhead.
  • Approximately 1 TB of shared space and 100 GB of dedicated perm space is provided for each user on your system and cannot be increased.
  • Once you create your Vantage Trial account using the registered email address, you cannot reuse the email address in the future. This limitation does not apply to Teradata users.
Internet Access If Internet access is denied or your browser does not connect to the site while using Vantage Trial features, the URL you are accessing may not be on Teradata’s allowlist. See Support.