Labels - Teradata Meta Data Services

Teradata Meta Data Services Programmer Guide

Teradata Meta Data Services
Release Number
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities


A label is a name that can be applied to one or more objects in the repository. Using a label, an application can determine the versions of objects in the repository that existed when the label was defined.

A label is an object defined by the CMetaLabel class. Using functions in the CMetaLabel class, a label can be defined to reference one or more objects in the repository. The label can only be applied to the current version of an object. After a label has been applied to a version of an object that same label cannot be applied to other versions of the object. After a label has been applied to objects, new functions in the CMetaObject class can be used to read the object versions with a specific label. These functions allow an application to specify the name of a label that is used to filter out object versions not containing the label.