Win32 Debug - Teradata Meta Data Services

Teradata Meta Data Services Programmer Guide

Teradata Meta Data Services
Release Number
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Win32 Debug

C/C++ tab
Category: General
   Warning level: Level 3
   Debug info: Program Database
   Optimizations: Disable (Debug)
   Preprocessor Definitions:
Category: C++ Language
   Representation method: Best-Case Always *
   Enable exception handling: checked
Category: Code Generation
   Processor: Blend *
   Use run-time library: Debug Multithreaded DLL
      Calling convention: __cdecl **  (If building a DLL 
      to be called by a Microsoft Excel macro, the calling convention must be __stdcall)
   Struct member alignment: 8 Bytes *
Category: Customize
   Eliminate duplicate strings: checked
   Enable minimal rebuild: checked
   Suppress startup banner and information messages:
Category: Optimizations
   Optimizations: Disable (Debug)
   Inline function expansion: Disable *
Category: Precompiled Headers
   Not using precompiled headers: checked
Category: Preprocessor
   Preprocessor Definitions:
   Additional include directories: METAHOME\include        
Link tab
Category: Input
   Object/library modules: add metadkd.lib metaoscd.lib
   Additional library path: METAHOME\lib