The CMetaObject class GetVersionKeys returns the name, loid, and version for all of the versions of an object for which the caller has read permission. The keys will be ordered in descending order of the version number, that is, the key for the highest-numbered (current) version of the object will be the first entry in the return list.
The order of evaluation to determine the object to be read is:
1 internal object ID if not zero
2 global object ID if not null
3 internal class ID and name if the internal class ID is not zero
4 global class ID and name
The class ID (internal or globally unique) and object name or the object ID (internal or globally unique) must be set before calling GetVersionKeys. If given, the internal object ID must be for a version of the object.
HRESULT GetVersionKeys(vector<CMetaVersionedObjectkey>& returnList);