ST_Geosequence Methods (Teradata Database) - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata® Warehouse Miner™ User Guide - Volume 2ADS Generation

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
November 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category

This SQL element is a shortcut for the User Defined Method SQL element with the User Defined Type field set to ST_GEOSEQUENCE. Selecting this element will display a listing of methods for the ST_GEOSEQUENCE type, described in the following table.

ST_Geosequence Methods
Method Definition
Clip Returns a GeoSequence type containing the subset of points and associated data that lie between the two timestamp input arguments.
GetFinalT Returns the TimeStamp of the last point of a GeoSequence.
GetInitT Returns the TimeStamp of the first point of a GeoSequence.
GetUserFld Returns the user field specified by fldIndex for the point specified by index for a GeoSequence type.
GetUserFldCount Returns the number of user fields associated with each point of a GeoSequence.
HeadingN Returns the heading for the specified point of a GeoSequence.
LinkID_GET Get the link ID of a specified point in a GeoSequence.
LinkID_SET Set the link ID of a specified point in a GeoSequence.
SpeedN Returns the approximate speed at a specified point (SpeedN(index INTEGER)) or between two points (SpeedN(iBegin INTEGER, iEnd INTEGER)) for a GeoSequence type.
SpeedN2 Returns the approximate speed at a specified point (SpeedN(index INTEGER)) or between two points (SpeedN(iBegin INTEGER, iEnd INTEGER)) for a GeoSequence type.
This feature requires Teradata 13.00 or later.