ST_LineString Methods (Teradata Database) - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata® Warehouse Miner™ User Guide - Volume 2ADS Generation

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
November 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category

This SQL element is a shortcut for the User Defined Method SQL element with the User Defined Type field set to ST_LINESTRING. Selecting this element will display a listing of methods for the ST_LINESTRING type, described in the following table.

ST_LineString Methods
Method Definition
ST_3DIsClosed Tests whether a 3D LineString or 3D MultiLineString is closed, taking into account the z coordinates in the calculation.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_3DLength Returns the length of a 3D LineString or MultiLineString, taking into account the z coordinates in the calculation.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_EndPoint Returns the end point of an ST_LineString or GeoSequence value.
ST_IsClosed Tests if an ST_Geometry type that represents an ST_LineString, GeoSequence, or ST_MultiLineString value is closed.
ST_IsRing Tests if an ST_Geometry type that represents an ST_LineString or a GeoSequence value is a ring.
ST_Length Returns the length measurement of an ST_Geometry type that represents an ST_LineString, GeoSequence, or ST_MultiLineString value.
ST_Line_Interpolate_Point Returns a point interpolated along an ST_Geometry type that represents an ST_LineString or GeoSequence value, given a proportional distance along that line.
ST_NumPoints Returns the number of points in an ST_Geometry type that represents an ST_LineString or GeoSequence value.
ST_PointN Returns the specified point from an ST_Geometry type that represents an ST_LineString or GeoSequence value.
ST_StartPoint Returns the start point of an ST_LineString or GeoSequence value.
This feature requires Teradata 13.00 or later and the three-dimensional functions (as specified in the above table) require Teradata 15.00 or later.