config - Hortonworks Data Platform

Hortonworks Data Platform for Teradata Administrator Guide

Hortonworks Data Platform
Release Number
June 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Open Source


This command allows you to view and reset values in Hadoop configuration files.

The CONFIGSET can be 'hdfs-site', 'core-site', or any other configuration set managed by Ambari.


hcli [--option] config [edit [--options] CONFIGSET | export [--options] CONFIGSET | get CONFIGSET PROPNAME | import [--options] CONFIGSET | listsaved | load [--options] [--backupindex] | retune | save [--options] | set CONFIGSET PROPNAME VALUE | show [--option] | vip [--option]]


hcli config edit [OPTIONS] CONFIGSET
Edit complete configuration set from Ambari in JSON or XML format.
Importing an incomplete configuration file can render the cluster inoperable.
Exit code is 0 if the file was imported successfully; exit code is 1 if the file could not be imported.
Option Description
--format=FORMAT, -f FORMAT Export to the specified format, either xml or json.
--editor=EDITOR, -e EDITOR Use the specified editor or value of $EDITOR by default.
hcli config export [OPTIONS] CONFIGSET
Export complete configuration set from Ambari in JSON or XML format.
Exit code is 0 if the file was exported successfully; exit code is 1 if the file could not be exported.
Option Description
--outputfile=FILE, -o FILE Export to the specified file.
--format=FORMAT, -f FORMAT Export to the specified format, either xml or json.
hcli config get CONFIGSET PROPNAME
Extract a single property from a global Hadoop configuration file.
The PROPNAME is the key from the key-value pairs in the configuration set.
Exit code is 0 if the property was found; exit code is 1 if the value cannot be returned.
hcli config import [OPTIONS] CONFIGSET
Import complete configuration set to Ambari in JSON or XML format.
Importing an incomplete configuration file can render the cluster inoperable.
Exit code is 0 if the file was imported successfully; exit code is 1 if the file could not be imported.
Option Description
--inputfile=FILE, -i FILE Export to the specified file.
--format=FORMAT, -f FORMAT Export to the specified format, either xml or json.
hcli config listsaved
List all of the saved complete configuration set backups.
Exit code is 0 if the configs listed correctly; exit code is 1 if the config cannot be listed.
hcli config load [options] [backupindex]
Restore the selected complete configuration set from backup.
Restoring an incomplete configuration file can render the cluster inoperable.
Use an index number from the saved list of configuration backups as the backupindex.
Exit code is 0 if the config was loaded successfully; exit code is 1 if the config could not be loaded.
Option Description
--local Load config from local file system with the specified 'backupindex'.
--file Specify the location of the config backup archive.
hcli config retune
Apply factory default tuning and overwrite existing configuration settings.
Before applying, a prompt requests backup of the existing configuration.
Exit code 0 indicates the tuning was successfully completed; exit code 1 indicates the tuning could not be changed.
hcli config save [OPTIONS]
Save the complete configuration set.
The exit code is 0 if the config was saved; the exit code is 1 if the config could not be saved.
Option Description
--label Specify the name for the config backup archive.
Set a single property in a global Hadoop configuration file.
The PROPNAME is the key from the key-value pairs in the configuration set. The property is either overwritten or created, as necessary.
The exit code is 0 if the property was set; the exit code is 1 if the value cannot be set.
Option Description
--label Specify the name for the config backup archive.
hcli config show [OPTIONS]
Export a Hadoop cluster configuration to stdout.
The exit code is 0 if successful; the exit code is 1 if unsuccessful.
Option Description
--json Export Hadoop cluster configurations to stdout as a JSON dictionary
--shell Produce bash-compatible output
hcli config vip [OPTIONS] SERVICENAME
Manipulate Virtual IP addresses in the cluster.
Exit code is 0 if vip manipulation is successful; 1 if vip manipulation is unsuccessful.
Option Description
--give Release the Virtual IP address for the specified service on this host.
--take Claim the Virtual IP address for the specified service on this host. The command verifies that the Virtual IP address is not currently in use elsewhere in the cluster, so the IP must be released on any other hosts before claiming on a new host.
hcli config vip --take oozie
Virtual IP claimed successfully.