SYSLIB Tables - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

SQL External Routine Programming

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

The following table identifies the column names and contents of the dem, demddl, and dempart FALLBACK protected tables in the SYSLIB database.

Table Name and Description Column and Type Column Description

Stores the currently installed version of packages.

The loadpkg stored procedure populates this table when you restore a specific version of a package to a target database.

name VARCHAR(30) Name of the package.
version VARCHAR(30) Version of the currently installed package.
dbase VARCHAR(30) Database in which the package is installed.
itime TIMESTAMP(6) Date of the installation.

Stores the CREATE/REPLACE DDL information of all packages.

name VARCHAR(30) Name of the package associated with the DDL statements.

This is the value of the U_Name argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure.

version VARCHAR(30) Version of the package associated with the DDL statements.

This is the value of the U_Version argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure.

dbase VARCHAR(30) Target database of the package installation.

This is the value of the U_Database argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure.

ddlcontent CLOB(2097088000) CREATE/REPLACE statement for installing the package identified by the name and version columns.

This is the value of the U_Create argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure.

demtype VARCHAR(5) Type of package or package component that the CREATE/REPLACE statement creates.

This is the value of the U_DemT argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure.

itime TIMESTAMP(6) Date when the DDL information was saved.

Stores each part of a package.

For example, a part could be in source, object, or library format.

name VARCHAR(30) Name of the package associated with the part.

This is the value of the U_Name argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure.

version VARCHAR(30) Version of the package associated with the part.

This is the value of the U_Version argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure.

dbase VARCHAR(30) Target database of the package installation.

This is the value of the U_Database argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure.

partfn VARCHAR(30) Filename of the package.

This is the value of the U_DemFN argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure.

partcontent BLOB(2097088000) Package content.

This is the value of the U_Content argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure.