Alert Codes - Teradata Ecosystem Manager

Teradata® Ecosystem Manager User Guide

Teradata Ecosystem Manager
Release Number
December 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
Alert Code Description Message
1-998 Custom Custom
1001 Ecosystem processing latency exceeds threshold. Job lag is [VALUE] [UNITS] exceeding [THRESHOLD_VAL] limit.
1002 All-TDPID Process Mismatch. Job [RES_ID] [RES_TYPE] mismatch of [VALUE].
1003 No heartbeat. Missing [RES_TYPE] event (time elapsed since last event > [THRESHOLD_VAL] seconds).
1004 Job start is late. START expected at [EXPECTED_START] is late by more than [LATE_BY] seconds.
1005 Job end expected to be late. Job expected to end late by [VALUE] [UNITS].
1006 Job is running past threshold. Job is running past batch window by more than [THRESHOLD_VAL] [UNITS].
1007 Job source difference exceeds threshold. Difference vs. Job ([RES_ID]/[RES_TYPE]/[TDP_ID]) diff=[VALUE].
1008 Absolute threshold exceeded. [RES_TYPE] value=([VALUE] [UNITS]) exceeds threshold of [THRESHOLD_VAL].
1009 All-TDPID job Step mismatch. Job [RES_ID] [RES_TYPE] step [JOBNAME]/[JOBSTEP] for table [DB].[TBL] with DML [DML] mismatch of [VALUE].
1010 Event on unknown resource. [EVENT_TYPE] event received on resource [RES_ID]/[RES_TYPE] for TDPID [TDP_ID] does not match a known resource.
1011 Invalid EventType for object. [EVENT_TYPE] event is not valid for [RES_ID] ([RES_CAT]).
1012 Monitor operation failed. Failure executing monitor operation for this resource.
1013 Resource State change failed. Failed executing external control script. -- No longer used for 14.10 and later
1014 Unused Unused
1015 UOW late for job step. UOW has not reached step ([JOBNAME]/[JOBSTEP]) for Job ([RES_ID]/[RES_TYPE]) on system ([TDP_ID]).
1016 UOW late for job. UOW has not finished job = ([RES_ID]/[RES_TYPE]) on system ([TDP_ID]).
1017 Invalid State requested for Resource. Requested StateCode=[STATE] is invalid for resource [RES_ID]/[RES_TYPE] on [TDP_ID]. -- NOT USED ANYMORE AS OF 14.10
1018 Invalid State requested for Application. Requested StateCode=[STATE] is invalid for application [APP_ID].
1019 State change requested not allowed. State change was requested through [EVENT_TYPE] event but this function is disabled. See parameter EventMaster.acceptStateEvents.
1020 Value is greater than threshold. [RES_TYPE] value=([VALUE] [UNITS]) is greater than ([THRESHOLD_VAL]).
1021 Value is less than threshold. [RES_TYPE] value=([VALUE] [UNITS]) is less than ([THRESHOLD_VAL]).
1022 Value is equal to threshold. [RES_TYPE] value=([VALUE] [UNITS]).
1023 Value is not equal to threshold. [RES_TYPE] value=([VALUE] [UNITS]) is not equal to expected value of ([THRESHOLD_VAL]).
1024 Invalid State requested for Table. Requested StateCode=[STATE] is invalid for table [DB].[TBL] on [TDP_ID].
1025 Comparison step amount difference exceeds threshold. Difference vs. job ([RES_ID]/[RES_TYPE]/[TDP_ID]) in job [JOBNAME] and step [JOBSTEP] for table [DB].[TBL] with DML [DML] diff=[VALUE].
1026 Long running job. Job has been running for more than [THRESHOLD_VAL] seconds.
1027 Job Execution Recency. Last execution of [RES_ID]/[RES_TYPE] job was more than [THRESHOLD_VAL] seconds ago.
1028 Table Update Recency. Last update to table [DB].[TBL] on [TDP_ID] was more than [THRESHOLD_VAL] seconds ago.
1029 Table Validation SQL Failed. Table Validation SQL Failed.
1030 Invalid event message received. Invalid event message received.
1031 Health String difference detected. Health String difference detected vs. Job ([RES_ID]/[RES_TYPE]/[TDP_ID]).
1032 Health String difference detected in step. Health String difference vs. job ([RES_ID]/[RES_TYPE]/[TDP_ID]) in job [JOBNAME] and step [JOBSTEP] for table [DB].[TBL] with DML [DML].
1033 All-TDPID Health String difference detected. Job [RES_ID] [RES_TYPE] string mismatch.
1034 All-TDPID Health String difference detected in step. Job [RES_ID] [RES_TYPE] step [JOBNAME]/[JOBSTEP] for table [DB].[TBL] with DML [DML] string mismatch.
1036 Absolute threshold greater than defined. [RES_TYPE] value([VALUE] [UNITS]) is greater than [THRESHOLD_VAL]
1037 Absolute threshold less than defined [RES_TYPE] value([VALUE] [UNITS]) is less than [THRESHOLD_VAL]
1038 Absolute threshold reached [RES_TYPE] value([VALUE] [UNITS]) = [THRESHOLD_VAL]
1039 Absolute threshold not equal [RES_TYPE] value([VALUE] [UNITS]) is not equal to [THRESHOLD_VAL]
1041 State change request for resource is out-of-date. State change request for resource [RES_ID]/[RES_TYPE] on [TDP_ID] ([RequestTS]) is older than current state effective time ([EffectiveTS]) -- NOT USED ANYMORE AS OF 14.10
1042 State change request for application is out-of-date. State change request for application [APP_ID] ([RequestTS]) is older than current state effective time ([EffectiveTS]).
1043 State change request for table is out-of-date. State change request for table [DB].[TBL] on [TDP_ID] ([RequestTS]) is older than current state effective time ([EffectiveTS]). -- NOT USED ANYMORE AS OF 14.10
1044 Failed to clear bulk alerts. Failed to clear bulk alerts.
1045 Issue in daemon state change. Issue in daemon state change.
1046 Invalid State requested for daemon. Requested StateCode=[STATE] is invalid for daemon [DAEMON_NAME] on [SERVER_NAME], belonging to group [DAEMONGROUP_NAME].
1047 State change request for daemon is out-of-date. State change request for daemon [DAEMON_NAME] on [SERVER_NAME], belonging to group [DAEMONGROUP_NAME] ([RequestTS]) is older than current state effective time ([EffectiveTS]).
1048 Absolute threshold greater than defined for too long. [RES_TYPE] value ([VALUE] [UNITS]) has been greater than [THRESHOLD_VAL] for [OVERTIME_TIME] seconds (max=[OVERTIME_THRESHOLD]s).
1049 Absolute threshold less than defined for too long. [RES_TYPE] value ([VALUE] [UNITS]) has been less than [THRESHOLD_VAL] for [OVERTIME_TIME] seconds (max=[OVERTIME_THRESHOLD]s).
1050 Absolute threshold reached for too long. [RES_TYPE] value ([VALUE] [UNITS]) = [THRESHOLD_VAL] for [OVERTIME_TIME] seconds (max=[OVERTIME_THRESHOLD]s).
1051 Absolute threshold not equal for too long. [RES_TYPE] value ([VALUE] [UNITS]) has been unequal to [THRESHOLD_VAL] for [OVERTIME_TIME] seconds (max=[OVERTIME_THRESHOLD]s).
1100 Issue in workflow execution. Error message during workflow execution.
1101 Workflow task failed. Error message with explanation of failure.
1301 Running table synchronization for managed table.
  • Error message from Unity while attempting table state change as part of synchronization operation.
  • Error message from Data Mover while attempting to run a Data Mover job as part of synchronization operation.
1302 Running table validation for a managed table.
  • Error message from Unity: Freeze operation failed.
  • Error message from Unity: Unfreeze operation failed.