Format Controls - Basic Teradata Query

Basic Teradata Query Reference

Basic Teradata Query
Release Number
October 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The following commands control the structure of reports generated to present data rows returned by the database in tabular form. To create such aligned reports, BTEQ utilizes field mode responses so that the database will return column values in character data type representation and include each column's title and size. Creating tabular formatted reports is BTEQ's default presentation mode.

BTEQ Command Function
DEFAULTS Restores initial default settings for commands used to control :
  • Report mode output format
  • Response data format
  • Import process message verbosity
  • SQL request retries
EXPORTEJECT This control enables users to specify whether the additional Page Advance ASA Carriage control character at the top of a REPORT format export file is to be suppressed when using z/OS BTEQ
FOLDLINE This control enables users to specify whether to split each line of a report into two or more lines after the specified columns. This compresses the report into a smaller width.
FOOTING This control enables users to specify the footer text string that appears at the bottom of each page of a report.
FORMAT This control enables users to specify whether to apply report layout controls for returned rows using all default and user-defined settings for the formatting commands. When enabled, the WIDTH command's setting is used to determine space available for centering the tabular report.
FORMCHAR This control enables users to specify the HEX numeric escape sequence to be used instead of a form-feed character, when printing reports.
FULLYEAR This control enables users to specify whether to use a four-digit year format (YYYY) in a report's header, footer and title lines. The default is a two-digit year format (YY).
HEADING and RTITLE HEADING – This control allows users to specify a header that appears at the top of each page of a report.

RTITLE – This control allows users to specify a title which automatically includes the date and page number, that appears at the top of each page of a report.

NULL This control enables users to specify a character string, rather that the default "?", to represent a null field value for Field Mode reports.
OMIT This control enables users to specify whether any columns are to be excluded from Field Mode reports for subsequent data-returning SQL statements.
PAGEBREAK This control enables users to specify whether a page eject is to be done whenever values for one or more specified columns change.

This control enables users to specify the maximum number of lines for report form output.

REPORTALIGN This control enables users to specify the spacing used for Unicode report mode output.
SEPARATOR This control enables users to specify the width and contents of the string to be placed between the columns in a report.
SIDETITLES This control enables users to specify whether titles are to be positioned above or to the left side of data returned for SQL statements. By default, a column title appears above its column and a WITH clause summary title appears to the left side of the data it describes.
SKIPDOUBLE This control enables users to specify whether two blank lines are to be inserted in a report whenever the value of the indicated column changes.
SKIPLINE This control enables users to specify whether one blank line is to be inserted in a report whenever the value of the indicated column changes.
SUPPRESS This control enables users to specify whether all consecutively repeated values in reports are to be replaced with space characters.
TITLEDASHES This control allows users to specify whether a line of dash characters is to be printed above the column data and aggregate data returned for SQL statements.
TRAILINGLINES This control enables users to specify the number of blank lines to be printed after the Field Mode response from data-returning SQL statements.
TRANSLATECTRLSTOSPACES This control enables users to specify whether BTEQ should translate the control-range characters for Field Mode columnar report's data rows (non-title) bound for stdout or an EXPORT REPORT file.
TRIMTRAILINGSPACES This control enables users to specify whether to trim trailing spaces from Field Mode response lines.
UNDERLINE This control enables users to specify whether one line of dash characters, which spans all report columns, is to be printed whenever the value of the indicated column changes.
WIDTH Specifies the printing limit for each line in a report.