sync.propertiesファイルには、Data Moverデーモンで使用されるすべてのプロパティが含まれます。
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 by Teradata Corporation. # All Rights Reserved. # TERADATA CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL AND TRADE SECRET #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # File: "" # # Purpose: This file contains all of the properties used by the DM Daemon. # # Caution: Do not modify the property names/values in this file unless absolutely sure # of the implications to the DM Replication Service. # # Note: Any line of text in this document that begins with a '#' character is a comment and # has no affect on the DM Replication Service. However, comments should not be modified. # # All properties under LOGGING comment are used for logging purposes # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Purpose: The port on which the Mater Replication Service # should listen for slave connections # Default: 25368 master.port=25368 # Purpose: The directory to save the Sync transaction files # Default: /var/opt/teradata/datamover/logs # Purpose: Specify whether the service needs to be # started as a Master or Slave sync.isMaster=false # Purpose: The login info of the database that needs to be replicated. #jobstore.password=X # Purpose: The ip address of the host on which # the Master Service is running # Default: localhost # Purpose: Define the rate to purge master sql file to prevent it grow too big. The unit is HOUR. # Default: 24 hours purge.master.sql.file.rate=24 # Purpose: Define the time interval used to determine if a slave is still active. It is used by master sql file purge service. # If a slave's .lastread file has not been updated before the specified time interval, it would be considered as not active. # The last read count from this slave's .lastread file is not used by purge service and purge service will not update this file either. # Default: 120 hours (5 days) slave.inactive.interval=120 # Purpose: When set to true, Fatal Error messages can be sent to TVI # Default: true tvi.useLogger=true # Purpose: Scripts are used to run to collect TVI diagnostic bundles file. # DO NOT change this directory location. tvi.diagnosticbundle.script.dir=/opt/teradata/datamover/support/diagnosticbundle # Purpose: TVI diagnostic bundle files are saved to this directory # This value need to be the same as SUPPORT_BUNDLE_DIR in /etc/opt/teradata/sm3g. sm3gnode.conf tvi.diagnosticbundle.dir=/var/opt/teradata/datamover/support/diagnosticbundle #----------------------LOGGING------------------------------- # Purpose: Set Logging level to info. User has 6 options. # From most amount of logging to least: trace < debug < info < warn < error < fatal rootLogger.level=info # Purpose: Informs the logging application to use a specific appender and it's properties. DO NOT CHANGE appender.rolling.type=RollingFile appender.rolling.layout.type=PatternLayout appender.rolling.layout.pattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c{3}(%L) - %m%n appender.rolling.policies.type=Policies appender.rolling.policies.size.type=SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy appender.rolling.strategy.type=DefaultRolloverStrategy logger.rolling.appenderRef.rolling.ref=RollingFile # Purpose: Allow's user the ability to change the location of the log file. # If changing log file location, please give the absolute path of the file; # for example, /var/log/dmSync.log # for windows os: use slash instead of back slash: # For Example: C:/Program File/Teradata/Log/dmSync.log appender.rolling.fileName=/var/opt/teradata/datamover/logs/dmSync.log appender.rolling.filePattern=/var/opt/teradata/datamover/logs/dmSync.log.%i # Purpose: The max size of the logging file before being rolled over to backup files. appender.rolling.policies.size.size=10MB # Purpose: The number of backup logging files created, after the max number, the oldest file is erased. appender.rolling.strategy.max=3 service_user=dmuser #------------------------------------------------------------