Manage Results File Storage - Query Scheduler

Teradata Query Scheduler Administrator Guide

Query Scheduler
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Results file storage is a symbolic name for a file system directory where scheduled requests results files are stored. To save the results of scheduled requests in “flat text” files, the storage location must be designated. Create, edit, or delete any number of locations where scheduled request results files are stored and accessed by all Teradata QS servers.

Each results file storage location has a specified Windows path. The same Windows path is used by all active Teradata QS servers so that they can all access the results files at the same location. This requires that all Teradata QS scheduled requests servers must have access to the Windows path(s) that describe the results file storage location(s).

Profiles additionally contain an optional relative path that is used to reference a subdirectory name for the desired profile. Teradata QS joins the appropriate results file storage location path with the relative profile path to create a valid directory name for a Windows system for the desired profile.

For the Teradata QS server to read and write to the results files in the location the DBA specifies, the DBA needs to set up the appropriate Windows privileges for the server. See “Create and Edit Results File Storage Locations” on page 43 for instructions on specifying a results file storage location. For instructions on setting up Windows privileges, see the Teradata Query Scheduler User Guide (B035‑2512). In the topic, Managing the Teradata QS Server, specifically read Supporting Results Files.

If the last, or only, statement in a scheduled request is a SELECT statement, it generates a result set that can be captured and saved by Teradata QS. Results from a scheduled request can be saved to a new or existing database table, or to a file specified when the request was created.

The user controls whether any existing data is destroyed. For database tables, Teradata QS can create a table with the appropriate column types for the result data.