GLMPerSegment Example: AttributeTable, ParameterTable | Teradata Vantage - GLMPerSegment Example: Regression, AttributeTable, ParameterTable - Teradata Vantage

Machine Learning Engine Analytic Function Reference

Teradata Vantage
Release Number
February 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™

This example is like GLMPerSegment Example: Regression, Family ('GAUSSIAN'), except that the SQL call specifies AttributeTable and ParameterTable and FitMethod is BFGS (by default). When the function creates a model for each partition, it uses the attributes and parameters that AttributeTable and ParameterTable specify for that partition.


All input tables are partitioned by homestyle.

  • housing_train, as in DecisionForest Example: TreeType ('classification'), OutOfBag ('false')

    This table has data from three different homestyles—eclectic, classic, and bungalow.

  • AttributeTable: att_table
    homestyle attribute_col value_col 
    --------- ------------- --------- 
    eclectic  airco                 0
    eclectic  driveway              0
    eclectic  fullbase              0
    eclectic  gashw                 0
    eclectic  prefarea              0
    eclectic  recroom               0
    classic   bathrms               1
    classic   bedrooms              1
    classic   garagepl              1
    classic   lotsize               1
    bungalow  bathrms               1
    bungalow  bedrooms              1
    bungalow  fullbase              0
    bungalow  recroom               0
  • ParameterTable: param_table
    homestyle param_col value_col 
    --------- --------- --------- 
    eclectic  Alpha           0.5
    eclectic  Lambda          0.2
    classic   Alpha           0.3
    classic   Lambda          1.0
    bungalow  Alpha           0.1
    bungalow  Lambda         10.0

SQL Call

CREATE MULTISET TABLE glm_ps_housing_2 AS (
  SELECT * FROM GlmPerSegment (
    ON housing_train PARTITION BY homestyle
    ON att_table AS AttributeTable PARTITION BY homestyle
    ON param_table AS ParameterTable PARTITION BY homestyle
    TargetColumns ('lotsize','bedrooms','bathrms','stories',
    CategoricalColumns ('driveway','recroom','fullbase',
    ResponseColumn ('price')
    Family ('GAUSSIAN') 
    FeatureScale ('True')
  ) AS dt


Because the SQL call includes FeatureScale ('True'), the output table has mean and std (standard deviation) columns with a value for each numeric predictor. When you use this output table as input to the GLMPredictPerSegment function, GLMPredictPerSegment uses the mean and std values to scale the corresponding predictor values in its input table.

SELECT * FROM glm_ps_housing_2 ORDER BY homestyle, attribute;
 homestyle |    attribute    | category |     estimate      |       mean        |        std         | information 
 eclectic  | (Intercept)     |          |  41932.7503791151 |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | driveway        | yes      |  19406.3776174878 |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | recroom         | yes      |  3918.45364226178 |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | fullbase        | yes      |  4545.07406239906 |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | gashw           | yes      |  4856.35157149518 |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | airco           | yes      |  10244.2578007323 |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | prefarea        | yes      |  6610.84767566899 |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | driveway        | no       |                   |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | recroom         | no       |                   |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | fullbase        | no       |                   |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | gashw           | no       |                   |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | airco           | no       |                   |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | prefarea        | no       |                   |                   |                    | p
 eclectic  | Family          |          |                   |                   |                    | Gaussian
 eclectic  | Method          |          |                   |                   |                    | BFGS
 eclectic  | Regularization  |          |                   |                   |                    | ElasticNet
 eclectic  | Alpha           |          |               0.5 |                   |                    | 
 eclectic  | Lambda          |          |               0.2 |                   |                    | 
 eclectic  | Encoder         |          |                   |                   |                    | Onehot
 eclectic  | Iterations #    |          |                24 |                   |                    | 
 eclectic  | Converged       |          |                   |                   |                    | true
 eclectic  | Rows #          |          |               296 |                   |                    | 
 eclectic  | Features #      |          |                 7 |                   |                    | 
 eclectic  | Feature scaling |          |                   |                   |                    | true
 eclectic  | RMSE            |          |  16375.5651548663 |                   |                    | 
 eclectic  | AIC             |          |  89151514700.0955 |                   |                    | 
 eclectic  | BIC             |          |   89151514725.928 |                   |                    | 
 bungalow  | (Intercept)     |          |  21315.5815022484 |                   |                    | p
 bungalow  | bedrooms        |          |  669.587694923986 |  3.44642857142857 |  0.389987244897958 | p
 bungalow  | bathrms         |          |  1301.04427557357 |             1.875 |  0.395089285714286 | p
 bungalow  | recroom         | yes      |  6462.92072448963 |                   |                    | p
 bungalow  | fullbase        | yes      |  8058.44829186865 |                   |                    | p
 bungalow  | recroom         | no       |                   |                   |                    | p
 bungalow  | fullbase        | no       |                   |                   |                    | p
 bungalow  | Family          |          |                   |                   |                    | Gaussian
 bungalow  | Method          |          |                   |                   |                    | BFGS
 bungalow  | Regularization  |          |                   |                   |                    | ElasticNet
 bungalow  | Alpha           |          |               0.1 |                   |                    | 
 bungalow  | Lambda          |          |                10 |                   |                    | 
 bungalow  | Encoder         |          |                   |                   |                    | Onehot
 bungalow  | Iterations #    |          |                33 |                   |                    | 
 bungalow  | Converged       |          |                   |                   |                    | true
 bungalow  | Rows #          |          |                56 |                   |                    | 
 bungalow  | Features #      |          |                 5 |                   |                    | 
 bungalow  | Feature scaling |          |                   |                   |                    | true
 bungalow  | RMSE            |          |  110241.184596537 |                   |                    | 
 bungalow  | AIC             |          |  1072221848376.08 |                   |                    | 
 bungalow  | BIC             |          |   1072221848386.2 |                   |                    | 
 classic   | (Intercept)     |          |  31247.4811161212 |                   |                    | p
 classic   | lotsize         |          |  1022.19977367751 |  3959.31428571429 |   2569760.57265306 | p
 classic   | bedrooms        |          |  459.266928439589 |  2.68571428571429 |  0.558367346938777 | p
 classic   | bathrms         |          | -18.0372043832458 |              1.05 | 0.0617857142857143 | p
 classic   | garagepl        |          |   825.54626546107 | 0.321428571428571 |  0.346683673469388 | p
 classic   | Family          |          |                   |                   |                    | Gaussian
 classic   | Method          |          |                   |                   |                    | BFGS
 classic   | Regularization  |          |                   |                   |                    | ElasticNet
 classic   | Alpha           |          |               0.3 |                   |                    | 
 classic   | Lambda          |          |                 1 |                   |                    | 
 classic   | Iterations #    |          |                22 |                   |                    | 
 classic   | Converged       |          |                   |                   |                    | true
 classic   | Rows #          |          |               140 |                   |                    | 
 classic   | Features #      |          |                 5 |                   |                    | 
 classic   | Feature scaling |          |                   |                   |                    | true
 classic   | RMSE            |          |  22448.7745665889 |                   |                    | 
 classic   | AIC             |          |  44540024959.1824 |                   |                    | 
 classic   | BIC             |          |  44540024973.8906 |                   |                    |

Download a zip file of all examples and a SQL script file that creates their input tables.