Syntax - Access Module

Teradata® Tools and Utilities Access Module Reference

Access Module
Release Number
November 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Because the Teradata Access Module for Named Pipes applies each parameter as it parses the initialization string, you can ensure the earliest possible acquisition of log information by doing one of the following:
  • Specify the log_directory parameter first
  • Use the NPLOGDIR environment variable to specify the log directory

where the following is true:

Initialization Syntax 
Syntax Element Description
block_size=n Block size, in bytes, of the data transfer operation where acceptable Range of n is 1 byte-16 MB.

The default, if you do not specify the block_size parameter, is 1,048,576 bytes.

Due to the limitations in the Data Connector, the block size must be greater than or equal to the size of the largest record passing through the pipe. When the module is used in a trickle feed environment, as with TPump, the shortest latency occurs when the block size is set to the maximum record size.

confirm_fallback_deletion=y Specification to make the Teradata Access Module for Named Pipes present a confirmation prompt before deleting the fallback data file.
fallback_directory= directorypath Path of the fallback data file directory. The default directory, if you do not specify the fallback_directory parameter, is as follows:
  • /opt/np_axsmod on UNIX systems
  • %TEMP% or %WINDIR%\temp on Windows systems
fallback_file= filename Name of the fallback data file.
log_directory= directorypath Path of the log file directory. If you do not specify the log_directory parameter, the default is:
  • /tmp on UNIX systems
  • %TEMP% or C:\ on Windows systems
log_level=n Specification that sets the level of detail to be posted to the log file, where the following is true:
  • 0 = Disabled – No logging. This is the default log_level value if you do not specify a log_directory path.
  • 1 = Critical – Logs events where a critical resource, such as memory or its message strings, cannot be obtained.
  • 2 = Error – Logs error conditions. This is the default if you specify a log_directory path but do not specify a log_level value.
  • 3 = Warning – Logs unusual events that do not halt processing.
  • 4 = Information – Logs operational events or statistics.
  • 5 = Debug – Logs details normally required for debugging.
  • 6 = Trace – Logs all available information about each I/O operation.
need_full_block=no Enables buffer flushing within client scripts when set to “no.”

Must be set to “no” when TPump is using the latency option with IMPORT.

Buffer flushing performs check-point restarting differently when not enabled (the default), the fallback recovery data generated is different, and is not interchangeable between flushing and non-flushing modes.

pipe_wait=n Holds the sleep interval (in milliseconds) for polling the pipe when need_full_block=no. By default, the pipe_wait is set to 10 milliseconds.
signature_check=checklevel Specification that sets the level of detail to be posted to the log file, where the following is true:
  • 0 = Disabled – A signature is neither calculated nor checked.
  • 1 = Enabled/No Return – Calculates and checks a signature and logs an error if the check fails, but does not return an error condition.
  • 2 = Enabled/Return – Calculates and checks a signature and logs and returns an error condition if the check fails.
[no_fallback [With this parameter presented in the Initialization string, Teradata Access Module for Named Pipes will not create the Fallback file. Also, no checkpoints will be done for the Teradata Access Module for Named Pipes, the utility job couldn't be restart-able. Also, when this parameter is presented, the fallback_file and fallback_directory setting will be ignored.