Show Graph - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide - Volume 1Introduction and Profiling

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
July 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
The following right-click options are available:
  • Maximize, Print and Export — The standard options Maximize, Print and Export are described in RESULTS Tab.
  • Absolute Counts (bar graph) — By default, a bar graph is given showing the absolute counts of NULL, Unique, Zero Positive and Negative values for numeric and date columns, and NULL, Unique and Blank values for all other data types. Unless the value returned is 0, a gray bar is shown for all values, overlaid by colors for each of the following value types:
    • NULL — Red
    • Unique — Green
    • Zero — Orange
    • Positive — Teal
    • Negative — Purple
    • Blank - Blue
  • Hide Remaining Rows — When Absolute Counts is selected, an option to Hide Remaining Rows may be selected to not display the top (gray) portion of each bar on the graph. By default, the inverse of the portions of the Values analysis are shown in gray. For example, a table with 1000 rows may have 150 NULL values. The box plot for NULL’s would then show 1000 rows, 850 in gray color and 150 in red.

    When Hide Remaining Rows is in effect, the option to Show Remaining Rows may be selected to return to the original view.

  • Relative Counts (circle graph) — Optionally, a circular graph can be displayed, showing the proportion of each value category to the total count. It should not be confused with a “Pie Chart” where each proportion, or piece of the pie, is assumed to sum to 1. Instead, each value category sums to 1, using the same color coding scheme as described above. Each inverse proportion (i.e., Not NULL, Not Unique, and so forth) is shown in grey and labeled accordingly. The relative counts of each value category as also displayed above the circular graph, along with the relative percentage. Relative percentages are also shown on the graph itself for each value category, and its associated inverse.