Other Alternatives - MultiLoad

Teradata MultiLoad Reference

Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Other Alternatives

The Teradata MultiLoad example is a simple, straightforward exercise that can be used to quickly create a job script and run Teradata MultiLoad. Table 6 explains some of the more significant functional alternatives that Teradata MultiLoad provides, and points to where they are described in greater detail.


Table 6: Alternatives to Using Teradata MultiLoad 



Using Mainframe-attached Client Systems

The Teradata MultiLoad example assumes UNIX or Windows operating systems are being used on a network-attached client system. To run the example using z/OS on a mainframe-attached client system, use the standard z/OS JCL control statements (DD) to allocate and create the Teradata MultiLoad data sets or files before invoking the utility. For more information about invoking Teradata MultiLoad on mainframe-attached client systems, see “Invoking Teradata MultiLoad” on page 31.

Using the FastLoad Utility

The Teradata MultiLoad example shows the simplest possible Teradata MultiLoad job, loading data into an empty table. Although the FastLoad utility can be used to perform the same task, with the job running quicker than with Teradata MultiLoad, note that FastLoad works only on empty tables. FastLoad does not support inserting, updating, or deleting data rows in existing tables. For these tasks, use Teradata MultiLoad.

Performing Insert, Update and Delete Operations

If, instead of loading data into a new table, either additional rows are inserted into an existing table, or specific rows are updated or deleted, use the same Teradata MultiLoad example by:

  • Deleting the CREATE TABLE statement from the Teradata MultiLoad job script.
  • Specifying a properly formatted existing table in the BEGIN MLOAD command.
  • Using the appropriate Teradata SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement after the DML LABEL command in the Teradata MultiLoad job script.
  • Teradata MultiLoad also provides a delete task where all rows are selected by one delete clause, rather than by matching individual input records. For more information, see “Import Tasks” on page 62 and “Delete Tasks” on page 66, and the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands described in Chapter 3: “Teradata MultiLoad Commands.”

    Using different input file formats

    The format of the input data source for the Teradata MultiLoad example (insert.input) is TEXT, as specified by the IMPORT command. Teradata MultiLoad also supports input data source files with the FASTLOAD, BINARY, TEXT, UNFORMAT, and VARTEXT formats. For a description of supported input file formats, see the IMPORT command in Chapter 3: “Teradata MultiLoad Commands.”

    Using INMOD Routines

    In the Teradata MultiLoad example, the utility reads the input data records directly from the specified source file (insert.input). An alternative would be to write an INMOD routine that Teradata MultiLoad could call to obtain input records. For example, the INMOD routine could:

  • Read and preprocess records from a file, or read data from other database systems.
  • Generate or validate data records, or convert data record fields.
  • In this case, use the optional INMOD modulename specification of the IMPORT command to identify the INMOD routine name. For more information about using INMOD routines, see “Using INMOD and Notify Exit Routines” on page 73, and the IMPORT command described in Chapter 3: “Teradata MultiLoad Commands.”