この例の入力テーブルは、nPath Resultの例: FIRSTおよびACCUMULATEの3つの形式 のようにclicksです。
SELECT * FROM nPath ( ON clicks PARTITION BY sessionid ORDER BY clicktime USING Mode (NONOVERLAPPING) Symbols ( pagetype='home' AS H, pagetype='checkout' AS C, pagetype <> 'home' AND pagetype <>'checkout' AS A ) Pattern ('^H+.A*.C+$') Result ( FIRST (sessionid OF ANY (H, A, C)) AS sessionid, FIRST (clicktime OF H) AS firsthome, FIRST (clicktime OF C) AS firstcheckout, ACCUMULATE (productname OF ANY (H,A,C)) AS products_accumulate, COUNT (DISTINCT productname OF ANY(H,A,C)) AS count_distinct_products, ACCUMULATE (CDISTINCT productname OF ANY (H,A,C)) AS consecutive_distinct_products, ACCUMULATE (DISTINCT productname OF ANY (H,A,C)) AS distinct_products, NTH (productname, -1 OF ANY(H,A,C)) AS nth ) ) ORDER BY sessionid;
sessionid | firsthome | firstcheckout | products_accumulate | count_distinct_products | consecutive_distinct_products | distinct_products | n |
1 | 06:59:13 | 07:00:12 | [null, null, television, television, envelopes, null] | 2 | [null, television, envelopes, null] | [null, television, envelopes] | ? |