Unicode® Credential Processing - Call-Level Interface Version 2

Teradata Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Workstation-Attached Systems

Call-Level Interface Version 2
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Unicode® Credential Processing

CLIv2 provides a DBCAREA field called mechdata_Unicode_set. Acceptable binary values are:


0 - raw data (default)

1 - reserved

2 - reserved

3 - UTF-8

4 - UTF-16

5 - UTF-32

This field should only be used by applications or interfaces that know that mechanism data will be passed as other than raw data to a mechanism capable of recognizing such data. If mechdata_Unicode_set is set or defaulted to 0 and the session character set is UTF‑8, UTF‑16, or UTF‑32, then CLIv2 will internally set mechdata_Unicode_set to 3, 4, or 5, respectively. If a mechdata_Unicode_set is specified either externally or internally, but the target mechanism does not accept that particular character set, CLIv2 returns EM_GSSINITFAIL (235) to the caller.

Note: This field is ignored when the mechanism is TD1 or TD2.