Configure the REST Service | Teradata Data Mover - Configuring the Data Mover REST Service - Teradata Data Mover

Teradata® Data Mover Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers

Teradata Data Mover
Release Number
October 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
During the installation of Data Mover, the Data Mover REST component is installed and started automatically. You need to configure the file for your environment and restart the service.

Data Mover REST and DSA REST, which is bundled with Data Mover, have HTTPS enabled by default allowing you to make REST calls over HTTPS. If you try to use HTTP for a Data Mover REST job after a fresh installation or upgrade of Data Mover, the job is redirected to HTTPS.

  1. In the directory /etc/opt/teradata/datamover, locate
  2. Configure the following properties:
    Property Description Default Value If requests to the Data Mover REST API need to use different values compared to the default for the host header or X-Forwarded-Host, specify those values here. Leave localhost:1443 as the first value unless you do not want to allow calls to Data Mover REST API to use localhost:1443 as in the following example:, host1:port, host2

    server name:1443 or server IP:1443
    appender.rolling.fileName The relative or absolute path of the log file. /var/opt/teradata/datamover/logs/dmRest.log

    Specifies logfiles pattern.

    Example: dmRest.log.%i saves the files as dmRest.log.1, dmRest.log.2, dmRest.log.3, and so on.

    appender.rolling.layout.type Do not edit. This is an internal setting for logging infrastructure. PatternLayout
    appender.rolling.layout.pattern Do not edit. This is an internal setting for logging infrastructure. %d [%t] %-5p %c{3}(%L) - %m%ns Do not edit. This is an internal setting for logging infrastructure. RollingFile
    appender.rolling.policies.size.type Do not edit. This is an internal setting for logging infrastructure. SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
    appender.rolling.policies.size.size The maximum size of the logging file before being rolled over to backup files. 20MB
    appender.rolling.policies.type Do not edit. This is an internal setting for logging infrastructure. Policies

    The number of backup logging files that are created. After the maximum number of files have been created, the oldest file is deleted.

    Example: If maximum backups = 3, three backup logs are created:
    • dmRest.log.1
    • dmRest.log.2
    • dmRest.log.3

    If the current dmRest.log size exceeds 20MB, it rolls to become the new dmRest.log.1 and a new dmRest.log is created. The previous dmRest.log.2 becomes the new dmRest.log.3. The previous dmRest.log.3 is deleted.

    appender.rolling.strategy.type Do not edit. This is an internal setting for logging infrastructure. DefaultRolloverStrategy
    appender.rolling.type Do not edit. This is an internal setting for logging infrastructure. RollingFile
    broker.url=url Hostname or IP address of the machine running the Java Message Service (JMS) message broker. localhost
    broker.port=port Port number of the machine where the JMS message broker is listening. 61616
    cluster.enabled=setting When set to true, a connection is established to a standby JMS broker for the cluster if active JMS broker fails. False
    logger.rolling.appenderRef.rolling.ref Do not edit. This is an internal setting for logging infrastructure. RollingFile Do not edit. This is an internal setting for logging infrastructure.
    response.timeout If progress of the job is not reported within this period (in seconds), the job is aborted. 30 sec
    rootLogger.level The six levels of logging, TRACE | DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR | FATAL. From trace level to application error. INFO
  3. Restart the Data Mover REST service:
    /etc/init.d/tdmrest start