Adding or Editing a Disk File System, Including Spectrum Protect - BAR - Data Stream Architecture - Data Stream Extensions

Teradata® DSA - DSE for IBM Spectrum Protect Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Data Stream Extensions
Release Number
September 2019
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
When using a disk file system to back up and restore data, you must add and configure the disk file system using the BAR Setup portlet.
System names and open file limits are tied to media servers during the target group configuration.
  1. Open the BAR Setup portlet.
  2. Under DSC Servers, select your DSC server.
  3. Under Categories, select Backup Solutions.
  4. Under Solutions, select Disk File System.
  5. Verify or add a disk file system:
    1. [Optional] To add a disk file system, from the Disk File System Details screen, click "".
    2. Enter a File system name and path that meets the following criteria:
      • Entire file system path has necessary data write permissions by the DSCuser
      • Unique, fully qualified path name that begin with a forward slash, for example, /storage/mnt1/
      • Does not differ by case alone. For example, both /storage/mnt1/ and /storage/Mnt1/ cannot be configured.
      • Contains no spaces.
      • [Spectrum Protect] File system name must start with /Spectrum followed by the node name and management class for the node name; for example, /Spectrum/NodeName/ManagementClass
      The disk file system filepath used by the repository target group cannot be used by the operational target group, and vice versa.
    3. Enter the maximum number of open files allowed.
    4. [Optional] Select Repository backups only.
    For example:
    File system name:                Max open files:
    /var/opt/teradata/dsu/bkup       100                Repository backups only
    /var/opt/teradata/dsu/repo       100              x Repository backups only


    File system name:                Max open files:
    /Spectrum/dsaserver/EMERALD12    200              x Repository backups only
    /tmp                             1                x Repository backups only
    /Spectrum/dsaserver/FUSECLASS1   200                Repository backups only
  6. To edit an existing system, change the Max number of open files next to its name.