Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Workstation-Attached Systems

Call-Level Interface Version 2
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

CLI uses these environment variables to decide whether to collect any CLI trace.

CLI provides three levels of tracing:
  • Minimal tracing without parcel dumps
  • Tracing with parcel dumps
  • Tracing on a thread basis (Windows platforms only)


COPANOMLOG should be set to the file name in which the user intends to collect the trace. On Windows platforms, the trace file name provided in the COPANOMLOG is appended with a .txt extension.

The default maximum file size of a copanomlog is 250 MB. When this limit is reached, the active log file is closed and a new file is opened with a four-digit number embedded in the file name that grows by one each time a new file is opened. For example, if the COPANOMLOG variable is set to my_copalog and a 787 MB log needs to be recorded, the following happens, depending on the operating system:
  • Unix

    my_copalog, my_copalog_0001, my_copalog_0002, my_copalog_0003

  • Windows

    my_copalog.txt, my_copalog_0001.txt, my_copalog_0002.txt, my_copalog_0003.txt

The COPANOMLOG_SIZE environment variable can change the maximum size of copanomlog. Most operating systems support files up to 2 GB.


If the NETRACE variable is set, options become available in the level of logging details. These options are available on a bit level, within the NETRACE variable. The NETRACE variable is a 16-bit value. The lowest order bit enables the incoming/outgoing parcel dumps. Each higher order bit turns off the options. The only options available presently are:
  • NETRACE = 0: (or environment variable not set) incoming/outgoing parcel dumps are disabled, only minimal tracing enabled.
  • NETRACE = 1: incoming/outgoing parcel dumps are enabled. This is the most detailed logging option.
  • NETRACE = 3: incoming/outgoing parcel dumps are enabled, timestamps are disabled.
  • NETRACE = 5, 9, 17, etc. reserved for future options.
Any enabling of additional logging features must have the lowest order bit set in NETRACE. For example, all options must be odd, to enable the lowest order bit.


If the THREADLOGGING variable is set to 1, CLI trace is collected on a thread basis. All other values do not enable the thread-logging feature. For example, if COPANOMLOG is set to c:\temp\coplog on Windows, and /tmp/coplog on non-Windows, three threads would create the following three files:
  • Windows:
    • c:\temp\coplog.3fc0.txt
    • c:\temp\coplog.3fc1.txt
    • c:\temp\coplog.3fc2.txt

    where 3fc0, 3fc1, and 3fc2 are thread IDs.

  • Non-Windows:
    • /temp/coplog.3fc0.23fc
    • /temp/coplog.3fc1.23fc
    • /temp/coplog.3fc2.23fc

    where 3fc0, 3fc1, and 3fc2 are thread IDs, and 23fc is a process ID.

If data encryption is enabled by applications for a request, then request and response messages printed for that particular request in the trace will be encrypted.

On Windows platforms, the COPANOMLOG file names contain thread IDs. On Non-Windows platforms, the COPANOMLOG file names contain a thread ID and a process ID.

When each coplog file reaches the COPANOMLOG_SIZE (in MB), new files with serial numbers are created, as follows:
  • Windows:
    • c:\temp\coplog.3fc0.txt
    • c:\temp\coplog.3fc0_0001.txt
    • c:\temp\coplog.3fc0_0002.txt
    • c:\temp\coplog.3fc0_0003.txt

    where 3fc0 is a thread ID.

  • Non-Windows:
    • /temp/coplog.3fc0.23fc
    • /temp/coplog.3fc0.23fc_0001
    • /temp/coplog.3fc0.23fc_0002
    • /temp/coplog.3fc0.23fc_0003

    where 3fc0 is a thread ID, and 23fc is a process ID.


The environment variable THREADONOFF turns multithreaded support on or off on UNIX and Linux platforms. Setting the variable to 1 turns on multithreaded support; 0 turns it off. Values other than 1 or 0 have no effect. The default value on UNIX and Linux is 0, that is, multithreaded support is turned off.
THREADLOGGING is automatically enabled on successfully setting THREADONOFF to 1.