DSA Setup | Teradata Data Mover - DSA Utility Setup - Teradata Data Mover

Teradata® Data Mover User Guide

Teradata Data Mover
Release Number
November 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem

Data Mover supports and comes bundled with the Teradata Data Stream Architecture (DSA) for copying databases and tables between Teradata systems.

The following components are part of the DSA features. It is important to note which components need installation and configuration before using the Data Mover DSA utility:
Component Description
Data Stream Controller (DSC) The DSC controls all backup and recovery (BAR) operations and is bundled and installed with the Data Mover daemon. You can use the Data Mover DSA utility with an external DSC or the bundled DSC. See the Teradata® Data Mover Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers for more information.
DSMAIN DSMAIN runs on Teradata Database nodes and receives job plans from the DSC. DSMAIN must be configured and enabled before communicating with the Data Mover DSC to run jobs. DSMAIN is installed on Teradata Database versions 14.10 and later. See the Teradata® Data Mover Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers for information on configuring and enabling source and target systems to work with the Data Mover DSC.
DSA Network Client Also known as BAR Network Client (referred to as either BAR NC or ClientHandler). The DSA Network Client copies data from the source DSMAIN to the target DSMAIN using shared network data pipes. Servers that have the DSA Network Client Software installed and configured are also known as Media Servers. It is recommended when using the Data Mover DSA utility that you chose either the source or target Teradata Database as the Media Server for optimal performance. See the Teradata® Data Mover Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers for information on installing and configuring the DSA Network Client.
DSA Command-Line Interface (CLI) The DSA command-line interface provides commands to define DSA configuration and is bundled and installed with the Data Mover Daemon.

Rules and Restrictions

  • The Data Mover DSA utility requires additional configuration before use.
  • If an external DSA designated for backup and restore application exists on your environment and you want to use the Data Mover DSA utility, you must upgrade the existing external DSA components (including DSC and BAR NC) to match the version of the Data Mover DSA utility.
  • The following restrictions are true when a source or target system contains Teradata Database versions earlier than 16.00 and the Data Mover DSA utility is used to copy data:
    • The database does not work with more than one DSC environment at a time. The following table shows the errors that can occur when two DSCs use the same Teradata Database system that are versions earlier than 16.00:
      Scenario Result
      DSA BAR environment already exists on system A Data Mover environment with the bundled DSC is installed and the following jobs are run:
      1. A BAR backup job from system A.
      2. A Data Mover DSA job to copy data from System A to System B.
      If System A is using a database version earlier than 16.00, the BAR job no longer works. DSMAIN on System A must be reconfigured when switching between DSC environments.
      Two Data Mover environments exist: Test and Production Both Data Mover environments have a bundled DSC and the following jobs are run:
      1. A Data Mover DSA job in the Data Mover Test environment copying data from System A to System B.
      2. A Data Mover DSA job in the Data Mover Production environment copying data from System B to System C.
      The job in Data Mover Test no longer works if System B is using a database version earlier than 16.00. If true, then DSMAIN on System B must be reconfigured when switching between DSC environments.
      Data Mover environment exists with automatic failover support consisting of an active and standby Data Mover daemon Both the active and standby Data Mover daemons are configured with a bundled DSC and failover occurs after the following job is run:
      1. Data Mover DSA job on the active Data Mover daemon copying data from System A to System B.
      The job on the newly promoted daemon fails if either database is using a version earlier than 16.00. DSMAIN must be reconfigured when failover occurs on a database using a version prior 16.00.
    • DSA is not automatically chosen for the source or target database when force_utility is not specified in the job definition. For advanced users that understand these restrictions and want to use the Data Mover DSA utility to copy data to earlier databases, you must specify DSA as the force_utility.