Examples - Teradata Database

SQL Data Manipulation Language

Teradata Database
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata® Database

Example : Simple HAVING Clause Examples

The following example shows the use of HAVING as applied to the aggregate results of a single group defined in the SELECT list, which is particularly useful in a SELECT subquery.

     SELECT COUNT(employee)
     FROM department
     WHERE dept_no = 100 
     HAVING COUNT(employee) > 10;

The following SELECT statements are additional examples of the correct use of the HAVING clause.

     SELECT SUM(t.a) 
     FROM t,u 
     HAVING SUM(t.a)=SUM(u.a);
     SELECT SUM(t.a), SUM(u.a) 
     FROM t,u 
     HAVING SUM(t.b)=SUM(u.b);
     SELECT SUM(t.a) 
     FROM t,u 
     HAVING SUM(t.b)=SUM(u.b) 
     AND    u.b = 1 
     GROUP BY u.b;

Example : Grouping Departments by Average Salaries

Display salary ranges for specified departments whose salaries average more than $37,000:

     SELECT dept_no, MIN(salary), MAX(salary), AVG(salary) 
     FROM employee 
     WHERE dept_no IN (100,300,500,600) 
     GROUP BY dept_no 
     HAVING AVG(salary) > 37000;

The result is:

     dept_no  MIN(salary)     MAX(salary)       AVG(salary) 
     ‑‑‑-‑‑‑  ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑   ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑
        300        23,000.00       65,000.00         47,666.67
        500        22,000.00       56,000.00         38,285.71

Example : Using a HAVING Clause to Aggregate a Join

The columns named price and sales_qty are from two different tables table_1, unit_price_cost, and table_2, sales_hist. Use the following SELECT statement to find which category of items is sold for a profit margin greater than $1000.

     SELECT table_1.category,
     (table_2.price - table_2.cost) * SUM (table_1.sales_qty) AS margin
     FROM sales_hist AS table_1, unit_price_cost AS table_2
     WHERE table_1.prod_no=table_2.prodno
     GROUP BY table_1.category, table_2.price, table_2.cost
     HAVING margin > 1000;

A subquery can have a join on a view with an aggregate operation and a HAVING clause that references more than one table.

For more information related to the HAVING clause, see:

  • “WHERE Clause” on page 101
  • “QUALIFY Clause” on page 150