Empty Table INSERT . . . SELECT Requests and Performance - Teradata Database

SQL Data Manipulation Language

Teradata Database
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata® Database

Empty Table INSERT . . . SELECT Requests and Performance

An INSERT . . . SELECT optimizes performance when the target table is empty. If the target table has no data, INSERT . . . SELECT operates on an efficient block-by-block basis that bypasses journaling.

Normally, when inserting a row into a table, the system must make a corresponding entry into the TJ to roll back the inserted row in case the transaction aborts.

  • For inserts into populated tables, if the transaction aborts, the system deletes all inserts from the table one row at a time by scanning the TJ for the transaction-related RowIDs.
  • For inserts into empty tables, if the transaction aborts, the system can easily return the table to its original state by deleting all rows.
  • The advantages of using optimized INSERT . . . SELECTs are:

  • Block-at-a-time processing
  • Faster insert logic (that eliminates block merge complexity)
  • Instantaneous rollback for aborted INSERT . . . SELECTs
  • Example : INSERT ... SELECT

    Using multiple Regional Sales History tables, build a single summary table by combining summaries from the different regions. Then insert these summaries into a single table via a multistatement INSERT . . . SELECT statement.

    All multistatement INSERT . . . SELECT statements output to the same spool table. The output is sorted and inserted into an empty table.

    Form a multistatement request by semicolon placement in BTEQ as shown below, or by placing statements in a single macro.

    Note: If you execute each of the statements as separate requests, only the first statement is inserted into an empty table.

      INSERT into Summary_Table
      SELECT store, region,sum(sales),count(sale_item)
      FROM Region_1
      GROUP BY  1,2
      ;INSERT into Summary_Table
      SELECT region2, sum (sales), count(sale_item)
      FROM Region_2
      GROUP BY     1,2
          . . .
      ;INSERT into   Summary_Table
      SELECT region3, sum(sales), count(sale_item)
      FROM Region_N
      GROUP BY     1,2;