Input - Aster Analytics

Teradata AsterĀ® Analytics Foundation User GuideUpdate 2

Aster Analytics
Release Number
September 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category

The input is hypothetical stock price and volume data of three companies IBM, General Electric (GE), and Procter & Gamble (PG) between the time period of '05/17/1961' and '06/21/1961'. The WMAVG function in the example calculates the weighted moving average for stockprice and volume for each company.

Data is assumed to be partitioned such that each partition contains all the rows of an entity. For example, if the weighted moving average of a particular equity share price is required, then all transactions of that equity share must be part of one partition. It is assumed that the input rows are provided in the correct order.

WMAVG Example Input Table stock_data
id name period stockprice volume
1 IBM 1961-05-1700:00:00 460 640000
1 IBM 1961-05-1800:00:00 457 707200
1 IBM 1961-05-1900:00:00 452 747200
1 IBM 1961-05-2200:00:00 459 1.3312e+06
1 IBM 1961-05-2300:00:00 462 1.848e+06
1 IBM 1961-05-2400:00:00 459 779200
1 IBM 1961-05-2500:00:00 463 528000
1 IBM 1961-05-2600:00:00 479 843200
1 IBM 1961-05-2900:00:00 493 1.728e+06
1 IBM 1961-05-3100:00:00 490 880000
1 IBM 1961-06-0100:00:00 492 760000
1 IBM 1961-06-0200:00:00 498 1.848e+06
1 IBM 1961-06-0500:00:00 499 1.3472e+06
1 IBM 1961-06-0600:00:00 497 1.48e+06
1 IBM 1961-06-0700:00:00 496 1.0912e+06
1 IBM 1961-06-0800:00:00 490 1.096e+06
1 IBM 1961-06-0900:00:00 489 760000
1 IBM 1961-06-1200:00:00 478 904000
1 IBM 1961-06-1300:00:00 487 1.9552e+06
1 IBM 1961-06-1400:00:00 491 1.0912e+06
1 IBM 1961-06-1500:00:00 487 1.3232e+06
1 IBM 1961-06-1600:00:00 482 376000
1 IBM 1961-06-1900:00:00 479 339200
1 IBM 1961-06-2000:00:00 478 640000
1 IBM 1961-06-2100:00:00 479 640000
2 GE 1961-05-1700:00:00 68.2502 2.7264e+06
2 GE 1961-05-1800:00:00 67.7501 1.6704e+06
2 GE 1961-05-1900:00:00 68.375 1.5168e+06
2 GE 1961-05-2200:00:00 67.1251 1.8528e+06
2 GE 1961-05-2300:00:00 67.1251 1.7184e+06
2 GE 1961-05-2400:00:00 66 1.2672e+06
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