Resolved Issues - Teradata Tools and Utilities

Teradata Tools and Utilities Release Definition

Teradata Tools and Utilities
Release Number
December 2016
English (United States)
Last Update

Resolved issues track corrections and updates to Teradata Tools and Utilities software and to documentation affected by the updates.

ODBC Driver Issues
Issue Description
ODBC-235 The ODBC Driver for Teradata now returns a proper SQLState for conversions from SQL_C_TYPE_DATE to SQL_CHAR when an invalid date literal is used
ODBC-538 Fix to return proper SQLStates for conversions SQL_C_TYPE_DATE to SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP/SQL_TYPE_DATE
ODBC-796 Problem in conversions from SQL_C_UTINYINT and SQL_C_UTINYINT to Single Field Interval types has been resolved
ODBC-809 Catalog functions now return the proper errors when Schema, Table or Column Name = NULL and NameLength > 1
ODBC-829 ODBC Scalar function timestampadd() gives correct results
ODBC-832 NULL value conversions from SQL_C_SBIGINT and SQL_C_UBIGINT to numeric destinations has been resolved
ODBC-881 The error code returned with conversions from the _UnsignedNumeric type to the Single Field Interval type has been resolved
ODBC-922 When using the Teradata SQL Assistant application with the ODBC Driver for Teradata, it now displays function types from tvm.tablekind of A, B, R and S
ODBC-1377 SQLFetch now returns SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND return code on subsequent SQLFetch calls at the end of result-set
ODBC-1419 Diagnostic messages are now ranked per the ODBC specification
ODBC-1528 SQLExecDirect and SQLExecute connection reset issues surface in the ODBC Driver for Teradata with conversion of parameters to SQL LOB types has been resolved
ODBC-1555 Fixed the multi-threaded connection core-dumps inside the driver
ODBC-1569 SQLGetDescField now returns correct SQL_DESC_CONCISE_TYPE values for Date, Time, and TimeStamp
ODBC-1598 Fix conversions from SQL_C_S/TINYINT/SQL_C_S/SHORT/SQL_C_S/LONG to Single Field Interval Types
ODBC-1682 The SQLProcedureColumns() now returns expected results
ODBC-1717 The NULLABLE column of catalog functions SQLColumns, SQLTables, and SQLGetTypeInfo has been resolved
ODBC-3049 Inconsistent results of SQLTables has been resolved
ODBC-3117 The user can now insert NULL values for the SQL_DECIMAL and SQL_NUMERIC parameters
ODBC-3127 SQLGetConnectAttr now returns the correct sqlstate for SQL_ATTR_SIMULATE_CURSOR
ODBC-3176 The invalid precision descriptor consistency check for floating point types has been resolved
ODBC-3180 Retrieval of fractional values of Interval types has been resolved
ODBC-3260 The SQLGetDescField attributes SQL_DESC_PARAMETER_TYPE and SQL_DESC_UNNAMED have been resolved
ODBC-3265 The ODBC Driver for Teradata no longer fails when the default DSN with an undefined DSN is given
ODBC-3324 The ODBC Driver for Teradata now insert character and binary (non-LOB) data in parts using SQLPutData
ODBC-3536 The ODBC Driver for Teradata now accepts connection-string values enclosed in brackets {}
ODBC-4732 An incorrect statement state after a SQLFetch in the ODBC 2.x specification has been resolved
ODBC-4811 Providing an invalid attribute with NULL buffer and BufferLength < 1 to SQLGetStmtAttr has been resolved
ODBC-4969 Conversion of values greater than 2147483647 bytes to SQL_C_ULONG buffers has been resolved
ODBC-4999 SQLGetDiagField for diagnostic fields SQL_DIAG_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION and SQL_DIAG_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION_CODE has been resolved
ODBC-5058 On Solaris the pkgadd function now updates the "tdodbc" package to the installed package list even if the install process fails on a NFS file system
ODBC-6577 The insertion of parameter arrays with multi insert has been resolved
ODBC-6668 SQLColumns has been fixed to return the correct precision for INTERVAL columns
ODBC-7809 The SQLTables TableType filter now functions properly
ODBC-7877 Conversions from SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND to SQL C integer types has been resolved
ODBC-7973 SQLState conversions from SQL_C_CHAR to SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP for invalid strings has been resolved
ODBC-9951 Retrievals of valid numeric literals to DECIMAL has been resolved
ODBC-9970 When an insufficient BufferLength is given in the connection string, SQLBrowseConnect no longer returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO
ODBC-10023 The SqlTypes array loop now continues only until the last location
ODBC-10936 SQLPrimaryKeys now returns no key if the session character set is UTF-8 and the IANAAppCodePage=106
ODBC-11341 A long SQL SELECT no longer gets a code of "-1" on SQLDescribeCol when using the ODBC Driver for Teradata with TD 14.10
ODBC-11378 MS Access queries using date parameters no longer fail
ODBC-11469 Conversions from SQL_C_UBIGINT to SQL_FLOAT with values larger than max BIGINT have been resolved
ODBC-11554 ODBC DSN setup now defaults to ASCII if the session-character-set name is very long
ODBC-12273 A core dump issue has been resolved when a parameter array insert is bound to LOB columns
ODBC-12284 ODBC JSON datatype now return the same integer values as a CLOB column defined with the exact same size as the JSON column with SQLColAttributes when using attributes SQL_COLUMN_EXPORT_WIDTH and SQL_COLUMN_EXPORT_WIDTH_ADJ
ODBC-12405 The parser now preserves the ON COMMIT clause when creating volatile and global temporary tables
ODBC-12548 Conversions from SQL CHAR to C INTERVALs when the source column has trailing spaces has been resolved
ODBC-12638 The "unresolved code symbol alloca" for large nested SQL requests on HP-UX is now resolved
ODBC-12647 SQLExecute has been resolved when the last value in an array of parameters is NULL
ODBC-12999 The retrieval of fractional seconds in INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECONDS and INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECONDS has been resolved
ODBC-13161 The ODBC Driver for Teradata now scans for special characters in the connection string attribute-value from a connect dialog and returns them in braces
ODBC-14640 Fixed Garbled messages displayed by Driver on Japanese machines
ODBC-15017 ODBC Driver fails to connect when the username or password contains a comma.
ODBC-15049 In a parameterised array insert, SQL_ATTR_PARAMS_PROCESSED_PTR is updated incorrectly when SLOB is enabled
ODBC-15582 "ENABLELEGACYPARSER=Y|N" can now be used as a connection string option as well
ODBC-15794 Parameterized LOB NULL insert fails on SLOB supported database when table has two or more LOB columns
ODBC-15857 Parameterised array INSERT on LOB columns with rows mix of null & non-null leads to DBS error
ODBC-16245 Driver now strips out the LineFeed Character from SQL Statements