Session Character Sets and Translation DLLs - ODBC Driver for Teradata

ODBC Driver for Teradata User Guide

ODBC Driver for Teradata
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Teradata UTF-8 and UTF-16 session character sets on Windows work with the Translation DLL selected by the Translation DLL=<option> keyword. Table 14 indicates SQLDriverToDataSource conversions. Table 15 describes SQLDataSourceToDriver conversions.


Table 14:  Function of SQLDriverToDataSource


Function of SQLDriverToDataSource

UTF-16 session character set on Windows

Convert Windows application code page to UTF-16

Other session character set on Windows

Convert UTF-16 to session character set


Table 15:  Function of the SQLDataSourceToDriver


Function of SQLDataSourceToDriver

UTF16 session character set on Windows

Convert UTF16 to Windows application code page

Other session character set on Windows

Convert session character set to UTF-16

User-defined session character sets can be used without a translation DLL. The conversion is based on the current application code page.

Note: KANJIEBCDIC5038_0I is supported on Windows systems when set up as a Japanese machine (CP932). Other configurations are not supported. This character set is used for communications to and from the database. The application must use the Windows CP932 session character set when communicating with the ODBC driver. This behavior is identical to KANJIEUC_0U.