Windows - ODBC Driver for Teradata

ODBC Driver for Teradata User Guide

ODBC Driver for Teradata
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Sample Command

tdxodbc -c SQLDriverConnect -C "DSN=testdsn;UID=dbc;pwd=dbc;"

Restrictions and Considerations

  • Before executing the command, ODBC Administrator needs to be configured with the required DSN. In the sample command, “testdsn” is the configured DSN name.
  • After executing the command, it should successfully connect the database and prompt for SQL to be executed.
  • You can submit any simple SQL statement such as “select date” to verify that ODBC Driver is properly installed.
  • To ensure that the message catalog file is installed properly, you can submit an incorrect SQL statement such as “create table (int)” and verify the error message.
  • Exit the program by entering “quit” when prompted for SQL.
  • Sample Output

    # ./tdxodbc -c SQLDriverConnect -C "DSN=testdsn;UID=dbc;pwd=dbc;"
    Connecting with SQLDriverConnect("DSN=testdsn;UID=dbc;pwd=dbc;")...
    .....ODBC connection successful.
    ODBC version = -03.52.0000-
    DBMS name = -Teradata-
    DBMS version = -13.10.0715
    Driver name =
    Driver version = -15.10e.00.00-
    Driver ODBC version = -03.51-
    (type quit to terminate adhoc)
    Enter SQL string : create table (int)
    Executing SQLExecDirect("create table (int)")...
    adhoc: (SQL Diagnostics) STATE=42000, CODE=-3706, MSG=[Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata Database] Syntax error: expected something between the 'table' keyword and '('.
    Enter SQL string : quit
    'quit' command detected
    ODBC connection closed.