Interrupting Statement Processing - Interactive Teradata Query Facility

Interactive Teradata Query User Guide

Interactive Teradata Query Facility
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Interrupting Statement Processing

You may interrupt ITEQ after a Teradata SQL statement is entered and before processing is completed. An interrupt causes ITEQ to pause, display a menu of choices, and wait for a directive. You may then choose to either continue processing, abort processing, log off the session, or exit ITEQ and return control to the client.

To interrupt a statement being processed by ITEQ:

Under MVS/TSO: Press RESET/(alt) PA1

Under VM/CMS: Press RESET/ENTER or RESET/(alt) PA2

If statement processing has already completed, normal action continues. If statement processing is still in progress, it is interrupted and the following action is taken:

  • The screen is cleared.
  • The interrupt message is displayed on the top line of the screen:
  • ITEQ ATTENTION HANDLING ( Enter/Abort/Logoff/Quit ).
  • ITEQ waits for your input.
  • You may then choose one of the following:

  • To continue processing: Press ENTER.
  • The system returns a normal processing result.

  • To abort processing: Type ABORT;
  • The system attempts to abort processing of the statement. If successful, the screen clears and the following message is displayed on the top line of the screen:

    3110 The transaction was aborted by the user.

    (Also see “Aborting a Statement” on page 38.)

  • To log off this session: Type LOGOFF;
  • The screen clears and the following message is displayed on the top line of the screen:

    LOGOFF during ITEQ Attention Handling.
    LOGOFF completed. Use “QUIT;” to exit ITEQ.

    You may either log on to another session with the standard ITEQ LOGON command, or return control to the client by typing QUIT;.

  • To return control to the client: Type QUIT;
  • ITEQ performs a normal exit.