TITLEDASHES - Basic Teradata Query

Basic Teradata Query Reference

Basic Teradata Query
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities


Enables or inhibits a line of dash characters immediately before a report summary line generated by a WITH clause.

If the TITLEDASHES command is used without specifying ON or OFF, BTEQ sets TILEDASHES to ON ALL.




Syntax Element



A list of numbers from 1 to 10 separated by commas, identify the WITH clauses associated with the TITLEDASHES command.

The number 1 specifies the first WITH clause, 2 specifies the second, and so on.

Specifying 0 instead of a withlist number turns off title dashes for any part of the response that is not summarized by a WITH clause.

Usage Notes  

Use the TITLEDASHES command to enhance report appearance by adding a row of dash characters before each specified summary line. Each WITH clause in a Teradata SQL SELECT statement produces a summary line. Use up to nine WITH clauses in a Teradata SQL SELECT statement, and each WITH clause can have up to ten expressions.

To enable a row of dash characters before every summary line in a SELECT result, which is the default configuration, specify .SET TITLEDASHES ON without specifying a withlist number. Also use this command to restore title dashes for summary lines that have been suppressed by a prior command.

To enable or inhibit title dashes for a specific summary line, use the TITLEDASHES command with ON or OFF specified for the appropriate withnumber. Note that if a withnumber is not specified, the statement applies to data that is not summarized by a WITH clause.

Note: Title dashes can also be inhibited for a specific column by using a null title in the SQL statement. For example, TITLE ''. To retain title dashes, enter a blank title. For example, TITLE' '.

The TITLEDASHES setting only affects the output for Field Mode, not Record Mode, Indicator Mode, or Multipart Indicator Mode.

The TITLEDASHES command can be used in a Teradata SQL macro.


The following example uses the TITLEDASHES command to suppress dashes preceding the summary line specified by the third WITH clause:

   SELECT deptno, empno, salary, edlev 
   FROM employee 
   WITH COUNT(empno) BY deptno 
   WITH SUM(salary) BY deptno 
   WITH AVG(edlev) BY deptno; 

BTEQ Response

In the BTEQ output, note the lack of dash characters preceding the summary line for the third column:

   *** Query completed. 36 rows found. 4 columns returned.
   *** Total elapsed time was 4.71 seconds. 
    95/05/16 SELECT deptno, empno, salary, edlev from employee Page 1
   DeptNo        EmpNo      Salary  EdLev
   ------  -----------  ----------  -----
      100        10002   35,000.00     18
      100        10017   32,500.00     16
      100        10001   25,000.00     12
      100        10011   38,000.00     16
   Count(EmpNo)      4
           Sum(Salary)  130,500.00
                    Average(EdLev)     16
      300        10018   65,000.00     16
      300        10008   55,000.00     18
      300        10003   23,000.00     16
   Count(EmpNo)      3
           Sum(Salary)  143,000.00
                    Average(EdLev)     17
      500        10009   22,000.00     18
      500        10016   44,000.00     20
      500        10010   30,000.00     16
      500        10014   34,000.00     16
      500        10015   40,000.00     16
      500        10004   42,000.00     18
      500        10012   56,000.00     20
   Count(EmpNo)      7
           Sum(Salary)  268,000.00
                    Average(EdLev)     18
      600        10007   45,000.00     16
      600        10006   29,000.00     12 
      600        10019   28,600.00     12
      600        10013   44,000.00     16
   Count(EmpNo)      4
           Sum(Salary)  146,600.00
                    Average(EdLev)     14
      700        10021   45,000.00     16
      700        10020   30,000.00     16
      700        10022   38,000.00     16
   Count(EmpNo)      3
            Sum(Salary)  113,000.00
                    Average(EdLev)     16

Example 2

The Example 1 TITLEDASHES command and request in a Teradata SQL macro appear as:

   SELECT deptno, empno, salary, edlev 
   FROM employee 
   WITH COUNT(empno) BY deptno 
   WITH SUM(salary) BY deptno 
   WITH AVG(edlev) BY deptno;