Path Filter on a View for JSON | Native Object Store ( NOS ) | Teradata Vantage - Using a View with Path Filtering - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Teradata Vantage™ - Native Object Store Getting Started Guide

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
September 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage
The following example shows a view on a river flow foreign table that renames path (key) IDs and payload attributes, so that both kinds of data can be referred to in SQL queries.

The examples use a sample river flow data set. To use your own data, replace the table and column names, and authorization object. See Variable Substitutions for Examples for the credentials and location values for the sample data set.

  1. To run NOS-related commands, log on to the database as a user with the required privileges.
  2. If it does not exist, create the foreign table or ask your database administrator to create the foreign table called riverflow_json_path: See Filtering on the Payload Column of a Foreign Table.
  3. Create the view of the foreign table:
    REPLACE VIEW riverflowview_json AS (
    CAST($path.$siteno AS CHAR(10)) TheSite,
    CAST($path.$year AS CHAR(4)) TheYear,
    CAST($path.$month AS CHAR(2)) TheMonth,
    CAST($path.$day AS CHAR(2)) TheDay,
    CAST(payload.Flow AS FLOAT) ( FORMAT '-ZZZ9.99') Flow,
    CAST(payload.GageHeight AS FLOAT) ( FORMAT '-ZZZ9.99') GageHeight1,
    CAST(payload.Precipitation AS FLOAT) ( FORMAT '-ZZZ9.99') Precipitation,
    CAST(payload.Temp AS FLOAT) ( FORMAT '-ZZZ9.99') Temperature,
    CAST(payload.Velocity AS FLOAT) ( FORMAT '-ZZZ9.99') Velocity,
    CAST(payload.BatteryVoltage AS FLOAT) ( FORMAT '-ZZZ9.99') BatteryVoltage,
    CAST(payload.GageHeight2 AS FLOAT) ( FORMAT '-ZZZ9.99') GageHeight2
    FROM riverflow_json_path
    WHERE TheSite = payload.site_no);
  4. Query the view:
    SELECT TOP 2 * FROM riverflowview_json;


    TheSite TheYear TheMonth TheDay Site_no  Flow  GageHeight1 Precipitation Temperature Velocity BatteryVoltage
    ------- ------- -------- ------ -------- ----- ----------- ------------- ----------- -------- --------------
    09400815   2018    07       10  09400815  0.00        0.00          0.00           ?        ?          12.60
    09400815   2018    07       10  09400815  0.00    -   0.01          0.00           ?        ?           0.00

    Columns with missing attributes return NULL values when the record does not contain the attribute.

  5. Filter on the view to find the number of sites with the site number of 09396100:
    SELECT thesite,COUNT(*)
    FROM riverflowview_json WHERE thesite='09396100'
    GROUP BY 1;


    TheSite        Count(*)
    ----------  -----------
    09396100           3086
  6. Run EXPLAIN on the query to see how the filtering is done:
    SELECT thesite,COUNT(*)
    FROM riverflowview_json WHERE thesite='09396100'
    GROUP BY 1;


      3) We do a single-AMP RETRIEVE step from NOS_USR.riverflow_json_path
         in view riverflowview_json metadata by way of an all-rows scan
         with a condition of ("(TD_SYSFNLIB.NosExtractVarFromPath (
         NOS_USR.riverflow_json_path in view riverflowview_json.Location,
         '/S3/', 2 )(CHAR(10), CHARACTER SET
         UNICODE, NOT CASESPECIFIC))= '09396100 '") into Spool 3 (all_amps),
         which is built locally on that AMP.  Then we do a SORT to order
         Spool 3 by the sort key as the field_id list( 3, 2).  The size of
         Spool 3 is estimated with no confidence to be 38 rows (26,790
         bytes).  The estimated time for this step is 0.74 seconds.
      4) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step in TD_Map1 from Spool 3 (Last Use)
         by way of an all-rows scan into Spool 2 (all_amps), which is
         binpacked and redistributed by size to all AMPs in TD_Map1.  The
         size of Spool 2 is estimated with no confidence to be 38 rows (
         27,094 bytes).  The estimated time for this step is 0.16 seconds.
      5) We do an all-AMPs SUM step in TD_MAP1 to aggregate from
         NOS_USR.riverflow_json_path in view riverflowview_json
         by way of external metadata in Spool 2 (Last Use) with a condition
         of ("((TD_SYSFNLIB.NosExtractVarFromPath (
         NOS_USR.riverflow_json_path in view riverflowview_json.Location,
         '/S3/', 2 ))= (NOS_USR.riverflow_json_path
         in view riverflowview_json.Payload .JSONEXTRACTVALUE (
         '$.site_no'(VARCHAR(32000), CHARACTER SET UNICODE, NOT
         CASESPECIFIC)) )) AND ((TD_SYSFNLIB.NosExtractVarFromPath (
         NOS_USR.riverflow_json_path in view riverflowview_json.Location,
         '/S3/', 2 )(CHAR(10), CHARACTER SET
         UNICODE, NOT CASESPECIFIC))= (NOS_USR.riverflow_json_path in view
         riverflowview_json.Payload .JSONEXTRACTVALUE (
         '$.site_no'(VARCHAR(32000), CHARACTER SET UNICODE, NOT
         CASESPECIFIC))))"), and the grouping identifier in field 1.
         Aggregate Intermediate Results are computed globally, then placed
         in Spool 5 in TD_Map1.  The size of Spool 5 is estimated with no
         confidence to be 1,085 rows (1,521,170 bytes).  The estimated time
         for this step is 0.52 seconds.

    (3) is doing the path filtering. It is using the constant 09396100 as a path filtering expression to build the metadata spool.

    (5) is doing traditional row filtering. It is compares the site number extracted from the location string to the value in the JSON payload (the actual data in the object store).