I/O Hard Limits Columns - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Resource Usage Macros and Tables

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

The Input/Output Token Allocations (IOTA) columns provide the percentage of disk throughput that is being used.

Column Name Mode Description Data Type
FullPotentialIota count Sum of the full potential input or output token allocations from all devices attached to the node.

The input or output token allocations are not limited by the IO_COD setting.

The value is computed by summing the cod_full_potential_iota field for each device in the /proc/tdmeter/disk_cod_stats file.

CodPotentialIota count Sum of the potential input or output token allocations from all devices attached to the node.

The input or output token allocations are accumulated only when an I/O is pending on a device, and they are limited by the IO_COD setting.

The value is computed by summing the cod_allocated_iota field for each device in the /proc/tdmeter/disk_cod_stats file.

UsedIota count Sum of the used input or output token allocations from all devices attached to the node.

The value is computed by summing the cod_used_iota field for each device in the /proc/tdmeter/disk_cod_stats file.

IoThrottleCount count Number of times an I/O was throttled. FLOAT
IoThrottleTime count Total I/O Throttle Time in milliseconds. FLOAT
IoThrottleTimeMax max Maximum I/O Throttle Time in milliseconds. FLOAT
IoThrottleCntZeroIotas count Number of times an I/O was throttled due to no IOTA tokens available in the bucket. This data is included in the IoThrottleCount. FLOAT
IoThrottleCntInsuffIotas count Number of times an I/O was throttled due to insufficient IOTA tokens available in the bucket. There were some IOTA tokens in the bucket, but not enough. This data is included in the IoThrottleCount. FLOAT
IoThrottleCntInsuffIotasHL count Number of times an I/O was throttled due to insufficient IOTA tokens available in the bucket for Hard Limits. There were some IOTA tokens in the bucket, but not enough. This data is included in the IoThrottleCount. FLOAT
IoThrottleCntMaxQD count Number of times an I/O was throttled due to the queue depth to the storage being at maximum. This data is not part of IoThrottleCount. FLOAT