Accessing Data Mover Command-Line Help - Teradata Data Mover

Teradata Data Mover User Guide

Teradata Data Mover
Release Number
December 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem

You can display the basic syntax structure and view a list and brief description of all of the commands available in the Data Mover command-line interface.

You can also specify a command name to view more detailed information about the command, including a syntax example and a list and description of each of the parameters associated with the command.

  1. Type datamove --help in the command line, and do one of the following:
    Option Description
    View all commands
    • Press Enter to view a list and brief description of all of the commands.
    View a specific command
    • Add a specific command name to view information about a particular command, including a list of its parameters.
    • Press Enter.

For example, for information about the create command, type datamove --help create and press Enter. The following is displayed:

datamove --help create
dm-agent4:~ # datamove --help create
Data Mover Command Line
About to connect to ActiveMQ at localhost:61616
Connected to Daemon version
create - Create Command

Creates a job on the DM Daemon based on the information from the arguments and the parameter file

datamove create -job_name job1 -f parameters.xml

Parameter                       Example         Description
job_name                        job1            (optional)Name for the job, must be unique. Generated if unspecified
job_priority                    MEDIUM          (optional)Execution priority for job. HIGH/MEDIUM/LOW. Default is MEDIUM.
source_tdpid                    Checks          Source Teradata database
source_user                     TD_API_user     (optional)Source Teradata logon id
source_password                 123456789       (optional)Source Teradata logon password
source_logon_mechanism          NTLM            (optional)Mechanism to use when logging onto source system
source_logon_mechanism_data     joe@domain1     (optional)Additional parameters for the logon mechanism being used
source_account_id               account_id      (optional)Source Teradata logon account ID
target_tdpid                    Leo             Target Teradata database
target_user                     TD_API_user     (optional)Target Teradata logon id
target_password                 123456789       (optional)Target Teradata logon password
target_logon_mechanism          NTLM            (optional)Mechanism to use when logging onto target system
target_logon_mechanism_data     joe@domain1     (optional)Additional parameters for the logon mechanism being used
target_account_id               account_id      (optional)Target Teradata logon account ID
data_streams                    4               (optional)Number of data streams to use
source_sessions                 4               (optional)Number of session on the source
target_sessions                 4               (optional)Number of session on the target
max_agents_per_task             4               (optional)Max number of agents to use in parallel for each table/database/journal being moved
overwrite_existing_objects      true            (optional)Overwrites objects that already exist on the target
force_utility                   arc             (optional)Force DM to use a specific utility for all DM operations
log_level                       2               (optional)Log level to output a log file
online_archive                  true            (optional)Allows read/write access to the source tables while the tables are being copied
table                           DB1.TABLE       (optional)Table to be copied
response_timeout                60              (optional)Amount of time to wait for Daemon response in seconds
uowid                           uowid           (optional) Unit of work id to identify the job execution.
security_username               dmcl_admin      (optional) User ID of the super user. Only used if security management is enabled.
security_password               53cUr17y        (optional) Password for the super user. Only used if security management is enabled.
security_password_encrypted     052c7aabd1..    (optional) Encrypted password for the super user. Only used if security management is enabled.
query_band                      AppName=B;      (optional) QueryBand passed to the Database as a list of name=value pairs in a string.