DSA Ports - Data Stream Architecture - Data Stream Utility

Data Stream Utility Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers

Data Stream Architecture
Data Stream Utility
Release Number
December 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

When deployed on the same physical DSC server, the AMQ Broker and DSA Network Client (NC) listen for requests from DSA components on the following ports.

The DSA NC contains the ClientHandler package.
DSA Ports

AMQ Broker

In open wire configuration, the AMQ Broker listens, by default, on port 61616 for requests originating from the following:
  • The BAR command-line component (BAR CLI) during the configuration, job definition, execution, and job status processes
  • BAR Setup portlet during the configuration process
  • BAR Operations portlet during the job definition, execution, and status processes
  • DSmain for incoming status regarding job execution (Backup, Restore, and Analyze Validate processes)
  • DSA NC for incoming status regarding job execution (Analyze Read process)

If ActiveMQ is configured for SSL, the default port is 61617.

DSA Network Client

DSA NC listens on port 15401, by default, for socket requests from any TPA node involved in a DSA job plan.

During a restore job from incremental backups, multiple DSA NC processes share temporary files using a web service on the default port 5402.

Teradata Database Nodes

A Teradata Database node (used as source or target) listens, by default, for any JDBC request over port 1025 for requests originating from:
  • BAR Setup portlet during the configuration of the systems selector
  • BAR Operations portlet during job creation and DSC during the backup job plan execution if a database object expansion is required. This is the case when a backup job contains objects with the keyword <database_name> include ALL.

Teradata Database nodes listen on port 1025 over CLIv2 for any job plan request originating from the TPA master node. The TPA master node receives the job plan from DSC over JMS.