RI_Parent_TablesV[X] - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Category: Integrity

Database: DBC

View Column Data Type Format Comment
IndexID SMALLINT NOT NULL ---,--9 Returns the reference index number. Note: This is not the same as IndexNumber.
IndexName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the name of the reference index.
ParentDbID BYTE(4) NOT NULL X(8) Returns the database ID of the referenced table.
ParentTID BYTE(6) NOT NULL X(12) Returns the table ID of the referenced table.
ParentKeyFID SMALLINT NOT NULL ---,--9 Returns the field ID of a column in the referenced key.
ChildDbID BYTE(4) NOT NULL X(8) Returns the database ID of the referencing table.
ChildTID BYTE(6) NOT NULL X(12) Returns the table ID of the referencing table.
ChildKeyFID SMALLINT NOT NULL ---,--9 Returns the field ID of a column in the referencing key.
InconsistencyFlag CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE NOT NULL X(1) Inconsistencies allowed between related parent-child object definitions after restore: Y (yes), N (no).
CreatorName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) Table or database creator. For DBC.AllRights, the grantor of explicit rights, otherwise the user who executed the CREATE statement.
CreateTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(0) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS Returns the date and time that the object in the row was created.
VTPKType CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE X(1) DBC.RI_Parent_TablesVX.VTPKType defines the ValidTime dimension for the parent key
TTPKType CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE X(1) DBC.RI_Parent_TablesVX.TTPKType defines the TransactionTime dimension for the parent key
VTFKType CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE X(1) DBC.RI_Parent_TablesVX.VTFKType defines the ValidTime dimension for the foreign key
TTFKType CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE X(1) DBC.RI_Parent_TablesVX.TTFKType defines the TransactionTime dimension for the foreign key